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5 Easy Steps to Better Sexual Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Sexual health is a fundamental component to overall physical and mental well-being.  Here are a few simple steps to take better care of yourself, so you can feel invincible!

1. Pee After SexThis tip may sound silly, but peeing after sex is extremely important for preventing UTIs (urinary tract infections). When you don’t pee, bacteria from sexual activity can travel upwards and infect the bladder (lower tract infection) or the kidneys (upper tract infection). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, so that you can empty your bladder regularly.

2. Check Your Breasts MonthlyAdult women are encouraged to perform breast self-exams once per month. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, “forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” When women are familiar with how their breasts feel and look, they can more easily identify changes that may occur.

3. Don’t Put Soap in the VaginaThe inside of the vagina has a delicate pH balance, and using soaps or other cleansers can disrupt its acidity, causing bacterial and yeast infections. The best way to stay hygienic is to use warm water on the outside, and to just leave the inside alone. The vagina regulates itself.

4. Eat More Yogurt and GarlicA few simple adjustments to your diet can help support your sexual health.  Probiotics (found in yogurt) help to combat the bad bacteria that causes vaginal infections, like yeast infections, or the Gardnerella bacteria. If yogurt isn’t enough for you to fend off yeast infections, have no fear: eating raw garlic is an at-home remedy for yeast infections. Alt-MD recommends eating 1 to 3 cloves per day until the infection goes away. More generally, it’s also a good idea to incorporate Vitamin C (found in oranges, strawberries, kiwi, and peppers) to boost your whole body’s immune system.

5. Shave ProperlyShaving pubic hair is a personal thing, and not everyone does it. Those that do probably know that it requires some finesse, and that if it’s not done properly it can cause some irritation. For the smoothest shave, trim first, rinse, and exfoliate to get rid of dead skin. Then apply shaving cream and use a sharp razor blade to remove the hair. Don’t use a rusty old disposable, since that will leave much less even results. After you’re done, you should pat dry and apply a thin layer of Neosporin or lotion to moisturize.

Helpful Sources:http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1958794-overviewhttp://www.everydayhealth.com/womens-health-pictures/hygiene-rules-for-a-healthy-vagina.aspx#02http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org