When is the last time you deliberately hung out with yourself and felt truly fulfilled? Just to be clear, we’re not talking about flicking the bean*. Nor are we talking about binge-watching a full season of Netflix in one day, or consuming of a whole tub of ice cream with a “treat yo-self” attitude. We mean going through the motions of an activity that you would normally do with a friend – but by yourself, and loving every minute of it.
Let’s be honest: FOMO is very real on a campus as social as Bucknell. Learning how to be your own best friend can be awesome when other friends aren’t available, or when you’re doing something fun but don’t actually want to deal with another human. Here are HC Bucknell’s suggestions for activities to do with your BFF, you.
Go on a walk.Make a bumpin’ playlist, plug in your headphones, and roam (if you want to). Walking is a great way to disconnect for a bit and spend enjoyable time with yourself – not to mention an easy way to get some exercise.
Do a craft.Try one of those cute DIY Pinterest projects that you’ve always secretly wanted to make. If the possibility of a #pinterestfail is too stressful for you, consider buying a project kit instead. Go to the store by yourself, buy whatever materials you need, and craft away! You’ll end up feeling satisfied from being productive and creative.
See a movie.Who says you can’t take yourself to see a movie? Whether you drive to the movie theater, walk downtown to the Campus Theater, or project your movie of choice in an empty classroom, watching a movie anywhere besides your bed feels like you’re having more fun and actually enjoying the movie, as opposed to watching a movie because you don’t know what else to do.
Tap into metacognition.Take some time to turn your awareness to understanding your own thought processes. It can be a little off-putting to commit yourself to “getting deep”, but it’s certainly a great way to get to know yourself and be more comfortable hanging out alone. Meditation and journaling are great options for practicing this.
Do what you want to do!It seems obvious, but it’s so easy to forget to do the things you liked to do before you got to college. Pick up a hobby or activity that you used to love, and remember why you loved it. By taking time to do something that you genuinely want to do without the approval or company of anyone else, you’re being an awesome friend to yourself.
*If you want to read more about self-lovin’, check out HerCampus Bucknell’s Let’s Talk About The Big O or HerCampus’ Collegiette’s Guide to Pleasuring Herself.