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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As family weekend approaches some of us are counting down the hours and some of us are struggling to get their lives together within the next few days. Here are a couple tips on how to survive your family weekend.

1. Get your s*$% together. You already know that before they even make it halfway through the door they are going to be criticizing something. “What is that smell?” “When is the last time you vacuumed?” “Is that mac and cheese stuck to the carpet?” “HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THIS?” Mentally and physically prepare yourself by cleaning up your dorm/apartment and make your bedroom at least reflect the idea that you have it all together.

2. Balance your social life. If your family is anything like mine you know they will be at your door at 9am sharp, regardless of what you did the night before. Just stay in, you are going to need the energy to deal with questions and criticism. You can go out when they leave, or if they plan to stay the night you can take them with you.

3. Have just enough food. You do not want to make it look like you have only eaten ramen and dried cereal for the past 2 months but you also do not want to have your refrigerator stocked. Part of the role of a parent on family weekend is to buy you things. Lots of things.

4. Make plans. One of the first 38 questions your family will ask you is “So what’s the plan?” and you better have one if you want things to go smoothly. Make plans with your friends and their family. It will take some of the heat off you and parents love to socialize with other parents. 

5. Speaking of plans, you will want to make dinner reservations 3 months in advance. Just kidding…but seriously figure out what restaurant you would like to take your family to and find out how far in advance you are able to make reservations.  Despite the variety of food we have here in Normal, we do not have a big selection of nice sit down restaurants so without a reservation you will not be eating dinner till at least 8:45pm.

6. Learn how to dodge awkward conversations. Similar to Thanksgiving or Christmas you will be questioned about your grades, your social life, your relationship status, your eating habits, a full background check and a blood test. Ok that may be a bit dramatic but just be prepared.

7. Tailgate. Tailgating for family weekend is a must. The most effective way to do it is by having a joint tailgate with your friends and their families. The more the merrier. And there is always the one dad with the hook up so you want to make sure to include him.

8. Do not buy tickets if you do not actually care. Freshman, sophomore and junior year my family bought tickets in advance and how many times did we actually go to the game? Zero. This year we are not even attempting to purchase them. Now if you are a true football fan, you should definitely attend the game, but if you are not sure that your family is actually going to make it to the game, do not bother.

9. Buy your family ISU gear. You can never go wrong with the “Illinois State Mom” and “Illinois State Dad” shirts. They are a huge hit.

10. Pub II. It is nearly impossible to get into the pub on a weekend like family weekend, especially if you are not 21 but within your four years here you have to get your family there at least once! And if you do not buy them cheese balls, you did not go to the pub.


Follow these tips and I guarantee you will give your family a weekend they will never forget. Have fun and be safe. Go Redbirds!


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Danielle Farrow

Illinois State

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