Name: Samuel J. Ocasio-DomínguezAge: 35Hobbies: Running, Make-up artistAssociations you’ve been a member of: Gender and Sexual Diversity Organization (GSDO), Student councils of Sacred Heart University in Puerto Rico, and Albizu University- San Juan.Community service: Clinical assessment in “ADELANTE” project for people who experiment trauma- related stress.
HCAlbizu: How did you come to accept the position of student representative in the Board of Trustees?Samuel: “Honestly, I didn’t expect this” [laughs]. “I was simply very involved in the latest student assembly. I heard other classmates’ accounts about [the problem] the university and I took in all that information. The day of the assembly, I presented a motion and it was approved. The motion consisted in demanding the Board of Trustees to relinquish their positions in seven days if they did not approve the proposed budget by the administration, as well as, allowing a student representative in the Board. Another student proposed a motion to elect a student representative and that motion was [also] approved. After that, a student nominated me for that position. Honestly, like I said, I did not expect it and I had to make a decision in under 10 minutes. Other students were also nominated, but when they asked me directly if I accepted the position, I said yes”.
HCAlbizu: What have you learned with this position?Samuel: “I feel very humbled by my classmates who see me as a leader in this process. Surely for my professional growth, this opportunity has been relevant. I recognize that there are a few challenges that come along with this, like the time it consumes and the emotionally charged nature of being a part of these tasks”.
HCAlbizu: What advice can you give to people who are a part of different academic groups?Samuel: “This is very important and it’s something I’ve learned by Dr. Toro-Alfonso: No matter which discipline one decides to develop in, we must have a collective social vision. It’s useless to keep knowledge inside our heads and not make it into an action. It’s necessary to have social movements and action. Our participation shouldn’t stay within the academic standards. I think that’s why I’ve become involved in this matter. Our university has a very important position in Puerto Rico’s society and we cannot allow different situations affect the vision that this university has”.
HCAlbizu: I understand that you’re very clear on your approaches and ideas as well as when communicating them. What strategies do you use to combine assertive critical thinking with a good oral presentation?Samuel: “First, I inform myself well on the matter. [In this case] Just because I’ve lived through the positive changes with the current administration does not mean I’m biased. I’ve wanted to have information from both the past administration and the actual one. The principal strategy is informing myself, being aware of everything and analyze [the facts] critically. I can say that the key has been reading all documents I have been able to, recognizing the situations and reading between the lines. All of this has helped me”.
HCAlbizu: Do you have any published research papers or literature?Samuel: Yes, I did a literature review on homophobic bullying. It was a second analysis of an instrument here on the island. Then, I wrote a chapter on it that was published in a school psychology book in Argentina. I talked about how important it was to create instruments that measure [correctly] what they do. In my case, homophobic bullying. At the moment, there’s no instrument that measures [that] in Puerto Rico. Also, in the summer I was hired for an internship specialized in investigation. It’s called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network Lesson. They distributed a survey in Puerto Rico to gain information on LGBT youth experiences in school. I believe this investigation will be exposed next year”.
HCAlbizu: Have you done any community service?Samuel: “Yes, the interest came from being a cosmetologist. I was a stylist for 12 years. I studied in the university [psychology] for three years and after, I decided to study cosmetology and I worked 12 years in the industry. Until recently, I was working full-time on that. Precisely 5 years ago when I decided to come back to psychology this happened: I was taking care of an abused woman in the salon and I thought I could do more for her. Not just make [them] beautiful on the outside, but strong on the inside. I’ve worked with abuse victims and I am currently immersed in an investigation project that takes care of people that have gone through traumatic events like abuse, sexual violence, traffic accidents, family death by homicide or suicide, assaults, physical and verbal aggression, etc… In this sense, I still give back to the community”.
HCAlbizu: What do you plan to do when you graduate?Samuel: “I want to keep working in the research area focusing on investigations that help the LGBT community in Puerto Rico. In clinical practice, I visualize myself working with victims and/or survivors of mental traumas. I [also] visualize myself as a professor, I really like that profession”.
HCAlbizu: What advice and/or recommendations can you give to Her Campus’ members in this launching process?Samuel: “I think of it as a tremendous initiative. I applaud you because this university needs people who work to make it stand out. I feel that since it’s directed to women, you should consider the posture that some men are interested in women’s themes. In a sense, I consider you should emphasize that it’s for women, but that it works for the community in general”.