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The Do’s and Don’ts of a College Frat Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.


While there are many ways you can go about approaching the wild jungle of fraternity parties, these tips and recommendations are well advised to make sure you have fun at a frat party!


First- I would highly recommend getting the names right of the fraternities… from Phi Kapp to Pi Kapp or Beta to Sig Ep, know where you’re headed before barging into the wrong place. I can attest that walking into a frat party asking, “Is this Sig Beta?” is not the best way to make an entrance… and sometimes it’s best to just say nothing at all with regards to the names of the frats.


Second- Although you want to look good for those frat boys, I wouldn’t recommend wearing your favorite new dress because, spoiler, there will be beer at this party and it will be spilled on you.


Third- Even though the beat may be bumping and it is your favorite song, do not start dancing in the middle of the living room because people (animalistic fraternal boys) will take that as an invitation to dance with you, and speaking as a meek freshman… that is scary. And gross.


Fourth- Travel in packs or use the buddy system, especially with someone who knows their way around or knows where you are; the worst thing that can happen is getting forgotten at a frat party, so stick with your crew and always keep your cell phone on.


These are a few of the top tips to help you out at your next frat party, from an unexperienced but still learning freshman.


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