So here we are, more than a month into the new school year. You may have spotted a new cutie or two on campus at this point. Perhaps you’ve even developed a bit of a crush on someone. To my fellow upperclassmen, you probably know the struggle all too well and can maybe relate to a few of these. To the freshmen: congrats, you now have someone to send embarrassing texts to when you’re out on the weekends and regret it the next morning! Oh, and you will also run into them every​where, given that this campus has a mere 2,000 students, so get ready for some awkward encounters. Anyway, without further ado, here are the fifteen stages of having a Davidson crush.
1. When you see your crush for the first time from across the room:
  …And they catch you staring.
2. When they talk to you for the first time and it’s absolutely magical:
  “They’re so dreamy.”
3. When you realize you’ve caught feelings:
4. When you try to say hi while passing them in Chambers and they don’t see you:
  When you try to get their attention and embarrass yourself in the process:
5. But the tides finally start turning in your favor and you start freaking out:
6. You start gushing to your friends:
And of course, your friends look at you like THIS when your crush walks by:
7. When you finally gain the confidence to make your move:
8. But you suddenly fear that you’ll come off as too eager and scare them away:
9. So you continue stealthily stalking them on social media instead:
  …And you accidentally like something from a year ago on Instagram.
10. To make matters worse, you realize that everyone on campus knows about your crush anyway:
11. And it definitely doesn’t help when you impulsively profess your feelings on a night out:
12. You eventually come to terms with reality and accept that you’ll never be together:
13. So you tell your friends that you’re “over them”:
Your friends’ reactions when you tell them that you’re “over them”:
14. When you’re ACTUALLY over them and look back at all the foolish things you did:
15. And since we’re at Davidson, when you’re finally at peace, you discover that they’re in two of your classes and are living across the hall from you next year:
   “I’m so done.”