Does the financial aspect of a new school semester make you just break out in hives? Do you sit and wonder why you over pay by hundreds for textbooks you may never use? Well, join the club. It’s no exaggeration to say that every college student contemplates why they over pay for something that most teachers require you to have. If you’re looking for an alternative to find textbooks, or anything in general while living on a college budget, your search just might be over. Campus Thrift, the first ever thrift site that is exclusive to college students, is launching this Saturday, September 26th.Â
The creator of Campus Thrift, Emily Bocchino, is part of FSU’s Entrepreneurship program and wanted to design a cheaper and safer way for students all around the country to get what they need, whether it be a textbook or an outfit for next Saturday’s game, all while staying on a budget. College students are huge customers of thrift stores because of the cheap-and-cool factor, but they are accustomed to making most of their purchases online. Campus Thrift combines the two creating a nationwide intranet of college trading. It was conceived as a way for students to sell anything used, be it furniture, clothing, or textbooks. Before her freshman year, Bocchino was stressing about how she was going to afford paying for class, textbooks, and all the other needs that come along with a student paying their own way through college. Just when she was feeling that it was going to be too difficult, she came upon a $10 never been worn before Calvin Klein outfit, and realized that you can look good and feel good on a budget; and thus the creation of Campus Thrift was born.
Courtesy: Google
5 Things You Need to Know About Campus Thrift:
• Can only use it if you have a registered edu email, making it safer for students to buy and sell used items.
• It’s not just for people at FSU! If a student at Harvard is selling a limited edition of the Bruce Willis, “The Return of Bruno” record (yes, it’s real. Look it up!) that you just have to have, you can buy it.
• Extremely cheaper than other competitors like your local bookstore, Amazon, or Craigslist.
• Anything can be sold on Campus Thrift! From clothes to couches, as long as someone else is selling it, you can buy it (as long as it’s legal)!
• Was designed with convenience for students in mind and not based on profit. Although it is a for profit company, Campus Thrift offers an on-campus feature, which basically just connects people who go to the same school with no charge.
Everybody stresses about the beginning of a new semester, but Campus Thrifts’ goal is to reinvent how students feel about being in college and being on a budget. Your college years should be fun and something everyone looks forward to, not make you contemplate how you might begin to afford another semester. No one should feel shameful about living on a budget (coming directly from a broke college student), but everyone should get excited about saving! You shouldn’t have to compromise your style or your safety just to save a few bucks. As the Campus Thrift tagline says: Save Money, Stay Stylish, Stay Safe. Â
Interested in the launch of Campus Thrift? Follow and “like” them on Facebook here! Make sure to check out Campus Thrift’s new website when it launches on September 26 and get ready to save!