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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Located on 2501 Texas Avenue South is your source for all of your college needs! College Depot is a hidden gem that houses the cutest A&M apparel, home decor, school supplies, tailgate equipment and so much more! Be sure to stop on over and get your school spirit on. #college #collegedepot #tamu


Erum Salam is a student at Texas A&M and an aspiring writer and producer. Her vast experience in television, radio, and print has prepared her for the rapidly converging career path she wants to pursue. She aims to write and produce content that will educate and entertain a global audience. She believes Her Campus offers young women a platform to vocalize their thoughts on contemporary issues facing us today, while also providing hilarious content in the form of listicles, blog posts, or quizzes that surely resonates with the female millennial demographic.