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5 Things Every Freshman Should Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Hey, there, collegiettes!

Sam, here.

Also known as the super-old senior, who’s in denial that she only has two semester of college left.

It’s fine.

In some ways, I’m jelaous of all the freshmen here on campus. You all have four years ahead of them to learn about all sorts of different subjects, meet new people and make plenty of mistakes.

But, that doesn’t mean you all have to make the same mistakes as me…

With that being said, learn from my days as an undergraduate with these five tips:


1. Don’t take the brand-new Starbucks (the one in Willy T) for granted. Ever.

2. 8 a.m. classes are never a good idea.

3. Take it from me: don’t wait until the last minute to write that annontated bibliography for WRD. Just trust me.

4. Office hours may seem awkward at first, but they really are for your benefit.

5. Your planner will be your best friend (don’t tell your BFF).


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"Sam I am," and I LOVE to read. Whether it's Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" or The Mortal Instruments series, I'm always reading. And when I'm not reading, I'm writing; English papers, magazine editorials, you name it! Italian food is my favorite, shoe shopping is my addiction, and I hate cold weather. I'm also a proud member of Slytherin house (we're not all bad, I swear).