Hello, future college freshies! These are your ten commandments for freshman year. I promise they will help you make the most out of your first year on your own. College is full of ups and downs, so follow these commandments to make the most out of year one.
1. Thou Shalt not floorcest.
You think it’s a good idea. You think you and the boy across the hall are a match made in heaven, and your relationship will be different than all other floorcests. YOU ARE WRONG. Do not believe the lies your heart tells you, and listen to your head on this one, because in a few months it’s going to be super awkward as you bump into him while wearing your towel, your retainer and a face mask. Save yourself the heartbreak, and keep your relationships off of the dorm floor.
2. Thou Shalt beware of classic mean girls.
You want to believe that everyone in college is more mature and ready to move on to the next stage of their life without the drama that is often found in high school. I wish this were true, but sadly it is not. Beware of trusting anyone too quickly, and don’t get discouraged if you find yourself with a few fake friends. You’ll figure it out and find your bridesmaids eventually.
3. Thou shalt not forget to call mom.
As you’re having a blast meeting new friends and enjoying your newfound freedom, your mom is at home missing you. Don’t forget to give her a call and let her know what’s going on. She will appreciate it, and if you keep her in the loop, you will always have someone to go to for advice on sticky situations.
4. Thou shalt never feel shame.
Your freshman year is going to be filled with lots of sticky situations, and although you might not always make the best choices, never let that make you feel insecure. It’s never a mistake if you learn from it. So, as you walk home from that frat boys house wearing the same outfit you wore from last night, with your heels in hand, make sure to hold your head high.
5. Thou shalt love thy dining hall like thy love thyself.
The first few weeks of school dining hall food will be a blessing, an endless supply of food waiting to be explored, but as time passes you will come to hate the dining hall food. You must remember that it will always be there for you on your most hungover days, and it is always better than a pack of ramen. Be thankful for the mundane dining hall food, and love it through thick and thin.
6. Thou shalt go to the gym.
The freshman fifteen is real folks, and the gym is the only way to stop the inevitable. With the stress of college, and a newfound independence it is easy to stress eat and stop exercising. Remember exercise is not only good for you body it is good for your mind too. Working out will make you feel better and feel less stressed. Not to mention it is a good way to make sure you have a little me time everyday.
7. Thou shalt not forget your worth.
When you finally think you’ve found the perfect guy to settle down with and it turns out he wants nothing more than to hook-up, remember it’s not you. A lot of guys freshman year just want to play the field, but that doesn’t mean you’re not great. It simply means that some guys are too preoccupied with a new pool of girls that they don’t pay enough attention to the great girl right in front of them. Give it time and enjoy freshman year without a man by your side. Invest in loving yourself you’ll be glad you did.
8. Thou shalt be broke and learn how to deal with it.
Independence means learning how to budget your money. For me, that meant choosing whether to eat or buy a gorgeous pair of heels. The heels usually won out, and I ended up living off of easy mac. You will likely not be able to live the same way you did at home. You will be forced to realize that your budget doesn’t allow you to go out to eat, go shopping, and go out. You have to pick one, maybe two if you’re lucky and a good budgeter. This also means that you should never say no to your parents coming to visit for dinner. It will likely be the best meal you’ve had in a long time and hopefully free.
9. Thou shalt get involved.
Find what you love and get involved in it. Dive head first into a few student orgs. You will not only get to do something you love you will also likely make some amazing friends and have something to add to your resume. The earlier you get involved the more you can do with the organization and the better it will be in the long run.
10. Thou Shalt live it up.
It’s your first year of college. Enjoy it!! It’s okay to let lose and find out what it means to be on your own. Go out with your friends, swim in the lake, and binge eat ice cream. Freshman year rocks, so don’t waste a second of it. This may be the best advice Khloe Kardashian ever gave.
If you break a commandment, that’s okay. You will make it through just fine. If you follow them all religiously though, your freshman year will definitely be one to remember.