Ever wondered what exactly Her Campus PSU Berks consisted of? If you’ve thought writing articles, you’re correct! However, there are so many benefits of being a member of Her Campus as a whole and in a specific chapter! Here’s why you should consider joining.
1. It’s a resume builder.- This could could make your resume more competitive because of the experience you gain by having your own articles published, especially if you’re a writing, journalism, or communications major. Your pieces could also be put in any professional portfolio if you’re a student in any of those majors!
2. You’ll have access to freebies.- Free stuff! With all that hard work comes a great benefit! If you ever wondered why you’ve seen HC PSU Berks do random giveaways, it’s because we get freebies from our sponsors! As a member, you will automatically receive every single item!
3. It can improve writing skills.- Practice makes perfect! Having to do articles on a weekly basis will only help you become a better writer! You’ll also get a chance to use your creativity to brainstorm cool ideas for our site!
4. It will help get you connected.- If you join HC PSU Berks, you could make many connections throughout your time as a member! There are special conferences held for all chapters of Her Campus Media, and others events that are held just for those involved!