Every college has it’s own unique terms for activities and places on campus. So, if you first-years found yourself wondering what the ALEC or Yik Yak is, check out this list if terms you’ll definitely hear this semester, and find out their true meaning!
A-Chi-O – Alpha Chi Omega (Sorority)
A-K-Psi – Alpha Kappa Psi (Business fraternity)
ALEC – The Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (You can visit the ALEC for writing tips, workshops, tutoring and grabbing a Semester-at-a-Glance calendar.)
Arnold – The Arnold Dining Commons, located in the new residential commons.
Beta – Beta Theta Pi (Fraternity)
Boulevarding – The SMU version of tailgating, which takes place on Bishop Boulevard and Dallas Hall Lawn before every home football game.
Bridwell – Bridwell Library, a popular place to study and well known as one of the quietest places on campus. Located in the Perkins School of Theology.
BYX – Beta Upsilon Chi (Christian fraternity)
Café 100 – One of SMU’s on-campus Starbucks cafés, located in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center.
Chi-O – Chi Omega (Sorority)
Dedman – Can either refer to the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports (which houses the gym, basketball courts, an indoor track and The Falls) or the Dedman Life Sciences building (located next to Fondren Science). Don’t get these two confused or you’ll end up thinking your stats class is in the gym!
D-G – Delta Gamma (Sorority)
D-S-P – Delta Sigma Pi (Business fraternity)
FIJI – Phi Gamma Delta (Fraternity)
Fondy or “Club Fondy” – Fondren Library (Located next to the Hughes-Trigg Student Center.)
Gamma Phi – Gamma Phi Beta (Sorority)
Homebar – The Green Elephant (A popular off-campus bar located on Dyer Street.)
IFC – The Inter-fraternity Council (The governing body for campus fraternities.)
K-A – Kappa Alpha Order (Fraternity)
Kappa – Kappa Kappa Gamma (Sorority)
Kappa Sig – Kappa Sigma (Fraternity)
Lambda – Lambda Chi Alpha (Fraternity)
Panhellenic Council – The governing body for campus sororities.
PIKE – Pi Kappa Alpha (Fraternity)
Pi Phi – Pi Beta Phi (Sorority)
Phi Lamb – Sigma Phi Lambda (Christian Sorority)
Recruitment or “Rush” – The mutual-selection process of joining campus sorority or fraternity.
Sig Chi – Sigma Chi (Fraternity)
Sig Ep – Sigma Phi Epsilon (Fraternity)
S-A-E – Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Fraternity)
The Falls – Aka the tanning pool, located outside the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports.
The MOB – SMU’s student spirit organization.
Tri Delt – Delta Delta Delta (Sorority)
Uptown – Trendy neighborhood located near McKinney Avenue, known for it’s great restaurants, bars and nightlife.
Yik Yak – Social media app for sharing comments and opinions from around campus.