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5 Signs That It’s the End of the Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. You stop caring how you look in class. 

You probably woke up 10 minutes before class started. “Yes, I am aware that my clothes don’t match. Just be glad that I remembered to put on real clothes.”

2. You save all of your assingments for the day before they are due. 

Maybe you did this once or twice throughout the semester, but now it’s become a regular thing.

3. You have good ideas for final papers and projects, but you end up going with the easiest option.

“Yeah, I mean I could do this really cool idea that would gurantee me an A if I do it right. But that’s also twice the effort if I go the easier, basic route.”

4. You stay up late on Sunday nights, despite your dreaded Monday 9:00 am class. 

There’s only a few weeks left of this torture. Who cares anymore?

5. You want to go out on the weekends, but you’re too mentally exhausted to enjoy anything.

“Why did I leave my bed, again?”