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30 Ways to Maintain your Sanity during Finals Week in 30 Minutes.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

  Finals stressing you out and you need a break? We’ve got the tips for you! Whether you have thiry minutes, or one second there’s always a moment to compose yourself?  

If you have 30 Minutes: Watch an episode of a favorite TV show on Netflix. The beautiful thing about most sitcoms is that they are about 30 minutes. As long as you as you exit the browser before the next episode starts, there’s no reason you can’t squeeze in an episode of Friends.

If you have 29 Minutes: Go for a run. Need something a little more active? Going for a run will make you feel not only better about how you look with summer around the corner, but the endorphins from the work out really will improve your mood and energize you.

If you have 28 Minutes: Check out the iTunes Top 100. It’s always best to stay up to date with the latest music.

If you have 27 Minutes: Shop online. I know your email has been blowing up with all the summer specials, so now is the perfect time to indulge! Pick one, and hold yourself to looking through only one website. Even if you just fill up the cart with no intention to buy, some mindless retail therapy is sometimes the perfect fix. And if you do fill up the cart, summer is for earning money right? In a week or two you’ll earn it all back.

If you have 26 Minutes: Turn up the music and dance. Grab your roommates, crank up the Brittney Spears, and dance your heart out. Be silly and take a little time to forget the stress.

If you have 25 Minutes: Clean up the apartment. Sometimes a little de-cluttering can do wonders for your sense of peace.

If you have 24 Minutes: Take a bath. Light some candles, play some classical music, maybe even grab a leisurely read, and enjoy the break.

If you have 23 Minutes: Do some food shopping. Stock up on finals snacks, microwavable dinners, anything you need to make your life easier during finals week while simultaneously keeping you fed.

If you have 22 Minutes:  Page through a favorite magazine. Cosmo, Instyle, Elle, Vogue… it doesn’t which you pick just flipping through a magazine is the perfect break.

If you have 21 Minutes:  Look up trailers for upcoming movies and scout out the new releases.  It’s a great way to get pumped for the next Hunger Games.

If you have 20 Minutes: Take a nap. This one really fits anywhere on the list, but if you are anything like me, you’ll want as much nap time as possible. Twenty minutes is the perfect balance for a nap. You’ll wake up rejuvenated, not groggy.

If you have 19 Minutes: Take some Buzzfeed quizzes. Everybody loves finding out which Bridesmaids character they would be. These are a perfect distraction to give you the ability to relax a little.

If you have 18 Minutes: Cook a frozen pizza. Most frozen pizzas only take 18 minutes to cook. It’s an easy make, quick clean up and an even better study snack.

If you have 17 Minutes: Take a walk. This is another one that really has no limitations, walk down the street, around campus, to your mailbox, just as far as you need for some sanity.

If you have 16 Minutes: Call your parents. Or you grandparents, or an aunt or uncle or sibling… just call somebody to get your mind off things. They haven’t heard from you since you went into pre-exam hibernation and would love to know you’re still alive.

If you have 15 Minutes: Bake cookies. With a quick mix, you can bake and make the cookies in about fifteen minutes. Share them with your roommates as a nice surprise while they are cramming.

If you have 14 Minutes: Go on Pinterest. Stalk clothes, puppies, recipes, whatever your heart desires!

If you have 13 Minutes: Do yoga. The great thing about the Internet is that you don’t need to go to scheduled classes anymore! Just sign on YouTube and pick a quick video. It’s relaxing and great for your body.

If you have 12 Minutes: Check out some social media. Take a scroll through Facebook or Instagram, swipe left or right on Tinder, or check out the Twitter feed.

If you have 11 Minutes: Check what concerts are coming to town. You might find out that an old favorite is making a comeback, or finally decide to grab tickets to that trendy summer country concert coming to town.

If you have 10 Minutes: Do mediation. Mediation is yoga, without the exercise and sleep without the drowsiness. This is another great way to clear your head.

If you have 9 Minutes: Play a game on your phone. Solitaire, Clash of Clans, whatever floats your boat. It is the perfect distraction for a small window of time.

If you have 8 Minutes: Go to Starbucks. Pick up all you study stuff and head to a coffee shop. Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need to get the motivation to continue studying.

If you have 7 Minutes: Try that cute everyday updo you haven’t tried but admire. French twists, French braids, Katniss braids… whatever your calling is go for it.

If you have 6 Minutes: Make a cup of tea or coffee. Personally I’m a tea girl, but whichever is your comfort drink, curl up with a mug and just appreciate life. I recommend Earl Grey to calm nerves. There are also lots of great herbal teas to try!

If you have 5 Minutes:  Paint your nails. A quick color change doesn’t take too long, and it’s always a plus to spoil yourself.

If you have 4 Minutes: Grab a snack. Chips and salsa, Oreos and milk, carrots and hummus, pick your poison and dig in.

If you have 3 Minutes: Turn on a favorite song and close your eyes for the duration of that song. Take a deep breath and relax. Be at peace.

If you have 2 Minutes: Make a to do list for the week, even if you’re in the middle and start crossing things off. It feels great to see what you’ve already checked off.

If you have 1 Minute:  Stand up and stretch! Sometimes you just need to get your blood flowing to feel refreshed while keeping focused.

If you have 1 Second: Close your eyes take a deep breath, and keep an eye on the prize. Summer is right around the corner.


Currently resides in Wilmington, NC.