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An Open Letter to Kraft

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

This isn’t much of a complaint as it is more of a warning. You reasons behind changing the mac and cheese goodness were understandable. You accepted the fact that your ingredients weren’t the healthiest and wanted to make moms feel better about giving it to their children. As someone who has babysat little ones for the past ten or so years, I can understand the concern parents have about what they feed their children. And I applaud you on this because it’s not an easy thing to admit, nor is it easy to make the decision to change. Old habits die hard.

With that being said, my one warning is this: Don’t Screw It Up. You claim to not want to change the taste too much and that you hope you can keep the taste while making the ingredients less artificial and more natural. Stick to this thought and please please please please don’t take away my late-night-college-student-staying-up-way-too-late-to-study snack. I like the easiness and simplicity that Kraft mac and cheese brings to my diet and it’s basically a staple to me. Sometimes, it’s the only food I ever crave and want to eat while I’m here. And when I go home, my family makes it because I have younger siblings. I’m never without its cheesy goodness. It’s important to me as much as oxygen.

Take this warning not only from me, but from college students across the country and around the world, we’ll know if you mess it up. We’ll know if it doesn’t taste the same. We want to still have our 1 am-shouldn’t-we-be-sleeping snack. Don’t take that from us.


A College Student.