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10 Stages of Knowing You’re Going to Fail a Test

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Everyone knows that feeling. The feeling you get when you know you’re going to fail a test. Your first instinct is to blame the teacher; you were never even taught this stuff! But then the memories of online shopping and facebook stalking start explaining what you did for an hour and fifteen minutes twice a week. All of a sudden, the remose settles in and you want to kick yourself for not paying attention. However, you must move on; deep in your heart, you know that you have one night to learn 3 weeks worth of material. Consider the challenge accepted … with these 10 emotional stages included of course.

1. You look at the study guide and realize that you don’t know over half of the material listed on it.

What? We covered that?

2. But then you pull yourself together and feel a sudden wave of faith and motivation.

3. Then you look at the clock and realize that it’s been over an hour and you’ve only studied two things.

Ha ha….shoot.

4. Now is the time you start thinking about your future test grade.

Maybe they’ll pity me and curve?

5. And now it’s 3am and there’s still so much you don’t know.

6. So you just kind of accept your fate.

Thug life chose me.

7. And run to bed like…

It’s almost more exciting than Christmas morning.

8. The next morning morning you go to class hyperventilating. 

9. You read the first question on the test.

10. Finally, after handing it in, you get out of there knowing what happens now is out of your hands.