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Meet Connor Burleson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Name: Connor Burleson

Q. What is your role on campus?A. I work with SDAP, [before working with SDAP] I was a member of the program, and now I graduated.

Q. What is SDAP?A. It stands for Scholars with Diverse Abilities Program. It is a two year program for students with special needs [or people with cognitive, physical or intellectual disabilities.] When you are in the SDAP program you get to live on campus, and go to class, and hang out with people on campus. After two years, you get to graduate.

Q. How many people are enrolled in the program right now?A. Seven right now. Next year we are getting two students.

Q. What was your major while in the SDAP program?A. Music and Film. I learned about a lot of films and a lot of music.

Q. What was your favorite class in your major? A. History of Rock with Andy Page and History of Jazz with Todd Wright. We got to listen to all kinds of music.

Q. What are your favorite things to do on campus?A. I like to hang out in Crossroads with my girlfriend, Courtney. I like to walk around and meet new people. I know at least 3,000 people on App’s campus. I am the face of Appalachian!

Q. What do you do now that you work for SDAP? A.  Lately we have been going around and talking to fraternity and sorority chapters about what SDAP is. We also go and talk to different classes on campus. I also do some work in the SDAP office.


** Opportunities for students to volunteer with the SDAP program include tutoring, meal times, social times, and in class supports for the scholars in the program. If you are interesting in volunteering with the SDAP program as an Appvocate, you can find more information here: http://sdap.appstate.edu/

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Katy Huis

App State

Katy Huis is a Junior Elementary Education Major studying at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. She enjoys reading, writing, eating and talking. She finds enjoyment in children, animals and her family and friends.