Name: Greg French
Course and year: business studies, second year
Hometown: Torquay
1. Describe yourself in three words: “Bambi on ice”
2. Favourite hobbies or sports: football and cricket
3. Favourite place to go on a night out: Vinyl
4. Tell us about one of your best moments at uni so far: “My favourite moment was playing tan-pass in halls. Completely missing, the ball bounced back and smacked my next-door female nemesis plum in the face.”
5. What do you have to offer to the ladies of Bournemouth? “Small talk, poor banter and daddy dancing.”
6. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? “I would be a penguin so I could get some decent jokes.”
7. What is your worst habit? “Passing in the shower.”
8. What is your favourite song to listen to at the moment? “King Kunta” by Kendrick Lamar
9. Any confessions you want to get off your chest? “I’m still pissing in the shower.”
10. Who is your ideal woman? Rachel Riley