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10 F.R.I.E.N.D.S GIFs To Summarize Your Final Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

With graduation a short four weeks away, you might be asking yourself: now what? We’ve found the perfect F.R.I.E.N.D.S gifs to summarize your final semester of college. Don’t worry, your cure for that bad case of senioritis is well on its way!

Your final semester of college is finally here. No more stress of registering for classes and pulling all-nighters. Unless, of course, Netflix is involved…


FDOC and it’s already a struggle. But your planner is filled with info from each syllabus. There’s no way you’ll get behind this semester.


You’re a month into the semester and have already missed a few classes…


To add onto the stress, Boone graces us with lovely winter weather this time of year. How are we supposed to be productive when we’d rather stay in our warm bed? Every morning. All day.


Spring Break is coming.


All of your assignments and midterms are magically due the same week before break. But wait, didn’t you plan ahead the FDOC? Oh, senioritis…


Only 3 papers and two midterms stand in the way of a week with your best friends at the beach. Must. Survive.


You promise yourself you will get your sh*t together after Spring Break and stop procrastinating. The realization hits that you have to find a job.


If one more person asks what you’re doing to do after graduation…


YOU MADE IT! The future is pretty hazy, but at least you had a fun four years. Now go out there and show what you learned!



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Ashley Chaves is a senior at Appalachian State University, where she is working towards earning her degree in Professional Writing with a minor in Public Relations. She will be graduating in May of 2015 and is aiming to find a job where she can build upon and showcase her writing skills. She has many passions including writing, reading, Shih Tzus, and cooking. In her spare time she enjoys planning her life away on Pinterest and blogging on her personal blog.