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Farm to Table Is Easy at CLU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Lucky for us, collegiettes, there’s a farm very close to Cal Lu that has it’s own outdoor market. The hours at the Underwood Family Farms are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily during daylight savings time. For your convenience, it’s located at 3370 Sunset Valley Rd, Moorpark, California, 93021. 

Since it’s a 10 minute drive from CLU, it’s a steal! Collegiettes, get out there for that farm fresh food. 

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Andrea Whisler

Cal Lutheran

I am currently a Senior at California Lutheran University and my major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Management and my minor is Communications. I have a passion for all writing, sports, puppies, and food.
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