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The 5 most important things to know before dating an older guy…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

We have all said it at one point, boys our own age are just SO IMMATURE! Like seriously some of the things they laugh at, some of the things they do, and more importantly some of the things they wear still baffle me! HELLO SNAPBACKS ARE SO NOT COOL ANYMORE!….and when I say anymore I mean ever….

So the one solution that so many girl want and to some degree need is an older man! Don’t get too excited and start thinking George Clooney, Brad Pitt, or a personal favorite Barack Obama ( don’t judge please….) because before you start dating an older guy there is a few things you should know which could change your mind…. 

1.   They aren’t really all that different that college boys! Sure they probably have a better job, a deeper voice and facial hair that grows past a few pathetic chin hairs, but the truth is they more than likely will still be as immature deep down so don’t expect massive things, loads of sophistication or lavish gifts because deep down they never truly grow up! 


2.   They have other responsibilities that mean you might not actually be center of attention all the time! * cue tears *  College boys might be more interested in football, drinking and flirting but older men are just as interested in…..football, drinking and flirting with girls but on top of that they also have work stress, bills, family commitments…trust me the list goes on!

3.   You think they are going to be super committed but really they won’t…just because they are older it definitely doesn’t mean they have babies and marriage on the brain, most of the time they still think they are a baby and are more interested in fast cars than walking down the aisle. Oh well a girl can only dream!

4. Because they are older, taller, more experienced, probably know a bit more about life, you will almost never win an argument…well that’s only the early stages of the relationship because you will be scared that anything you say will b automatically shut down and the word “OWNED” you will be hearing more than I love you…

5. He probably got most of the asshole out of his system when he was a teenager so you will be faced with the dilemma…an actual nice boy???? They are so hard to find in today’s society that no one knows what to do when they actually do come across one,…be so happy you finally done something no girl can…or run for the hills!