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7 Dogs Who Literally Can’t Even With Easter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Humans have a weird obsession of including their pets into every holiday event, which I’m also guilty of. Santa suits, halloween costumes, American bandanas… you name it. If there’s a holiday, my dog will be participating. Do our pets enjoy these humilating outfits and pictures? Probably not. Since another holiday soon approaches us, here are seven pictures of dogs who literally can’t even with Easter this year. 

This dog, who is 50 shades of done with his bunny ears.


Does this bunny tail make me look fat?  

I may be a pup, but I’m not small enough to fit into this basket.

You want me to find how many eggs?


How long do I have to wear this before I get my Easter basket?

If you’re going to put this on Insta, at least give me a flattering filter.


And this dog, who literally could not handle this year’s Easter celebration.


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Ashley Chaves is a senior at Appalachian State University, where she is working towards earning her degree in Professional Writing with a minor in Public Relations. She will be graduating in May of 2015 and is aiming to find a job where she can build upon and showcase her writing skills. She has many passions including writing, reading, Shih Tzus, and cooking. In her spare time she enjoys planning her life away on Pinterest and blogging on her personal blog.