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Theresa Chen: Storming the Wall Solo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

If you know Theresa Chen, you already know that she is extremely humble about things others would dream to brag about.  Proof of this humbleness is the nonchalant tone she uses to explain how she singlehandedly stormed the wall last weekend. She said, “I just worked hard, and stormed the wall” as I walked to class with her.

But there’s a lot more to it than Theresa lets on. If you were to catch a glimpse of this girls calendar you would wonder when she sleeps. If she sleeps. We’re not sure.

Between her excellent academics, fierce friendships, and training, Theresa has clearly had a busy term. “ During training I was working 20 hours a week and keeping up with four classes,“ she says, as we walk.  In addition, Theresa held her self to a strict fitness schedule stating, “I did three types of physical exercise a day, an hour in the morning, afternoon and then evening.” The activities she would rotate between were biking, running, swimming and yoga, to assist her in breathing during the race.

Theresa decided back in December that she wanted to storm the wall. “ I was looking forward to challenging my body but also, storm the wall is so symbolic at UBC. I really wanted to take part”.  She decided quickly that in order to achieve this goal and take it to the next level, she wanted to storm the wall herself.

Theresa explained to her motivation to me. “ I was becoming more and more health conscious at the time ” she revealed, “once I got started the momentum just kept building and building it was easier as I continued.”

In order to race, Theresa overcame some major personal hurdles. “ I didn’t really swim or bike before I started. I had a general idea but I was no where near being able to race.” For Theresa these were challenges she faced head on and without delay. “ I started training soon after, I came into it with the attitude that if I can’t do it I’m going to learn it.”  Eventually, Theresa became quite comfortable with swimming and being in the water, proof of her admirable perseverance.

“It was tough but I had this great song playing through my Ipod. It was one that me and my good friends would always dance to. It really pushed me forward during the race” said Theresa on her thought process during the day of the race.

If you were there at the finish line for storm the wall on the day Theresa was racing, you probably noticed the mob of friends cheering for her.

“I had a lot of good friends of mine come out and watch. It was truly an amazing feeling coming over the finish line.”

Theresa doesn’t plan on stopping with storm the wall. 

“Next, I think I’m going to do a triathlon” She says to me with a huge grin on her face. Being lucky enough to watch Theresa’s progress this term I have no doubt she will accomplish this goal!