It wasn’t that long ago you were motivated and excited to become a healthier gal. You diligently tracked your food intake, made it a point to take the stairs, went to the gym regularly, and were always seen sporting cute workout gear. You were committed to reaching your goal once and for all!
And then something tragic happens… You sprain your ankle or have a super busy week at school, you don’t have time to go to the gym. Maybe you had one too many cookies that one night, and realizing you had already failed your diet, you had some more junk the next day, and even more the next. After that, the motivation to start back up over again just seems pointless and your sneakers start to collect dust in the back of your closet somewhere, are we right?
Here are three smart tips that will help you get back on a regular workout regimen and actually stick with it this time.
1. Mistakes happen. Deal with it.
When life gets in the way of your fitness journey, you can do one of two things. You can either let it push you back, or you can learn to let go (we recommend the latter).You can accept that you’re not perfect and mistakes are going to be made somewhere along the road. Instead of letting the small hiccups discourage you and derail you from your journey, you should aim to look forward and do better the next day.
2. Pace yourself
Instead of waiting ‘til tomorrow, next week, or even next month, start today and start small most importantly. You can’t go from couch potato to 5k runner in one afternoon, can you? You don’t want to try too hard, only to be too sore you can’t work out the next couple of days. The key is consistency. Try shorter workouts and work your way up.
3. Have someone who expects something of you
Have you ever been on a sports team or school club? You know what happens when you have teammates, friends, teachers, or coaches expecting you to be at the practice or meeting? You show up. Make plans to workout with someone you’ve just recently met (that way, you’re less inclined to cancel on them). Simply knowing that someone is expecting you to show up at the gym can be enough motivation to get your butt of the couch.
It’s easy to get back on track. Even if it feels like you’re moving slowly, you are moving in the right direction. How long has it been since your last work out?