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Mental Health Monday: Taking Ten

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

Today I want to talk about taking time for yourself every day. It’s hard to find time, let alone every day, but I have been trying to take ten minutes for myself every day for the past week and the results have been wonderful. A lot of people already take time out of their day to think, plan and reflect, but for those of you that don’t already, I suggest giving it a try. Personally, I have found the benefits to be numerous.

First, it has allowed me to prioritize my next day. It has given me the time to create a schedule and highlight my goals that need the most work. A lot of times I find myself caught up in a single task, and consequently, I lose sight of the bigger picture.

Second, it has multiple times allowed me to remember something that I’ve forgotten for a really long time (one of which I like really really shouldn’t have forgotten). By clearing my head and trying hard to think about the big picture I have realigned my actions and priorities with my ultimate goals.

Third, it has allowed me to recognize the things in my life that I’m not happy with, and come to terms with small things that have bothered me throughout the day. By emptying my mind and allowing thoughts to flow in freely, I have become aware of underlying tensions that I wasn’t totally aware of before. It has improved my relationships with many people, most notably my boyfriend, because it has allowed me to address things in a direct manner instead of having them build up and boil over.

Finally, it has brought me a sense of self, independent of my plans or actions or ultimate goals. By being quiet and listening to whatever thoughts arise, I have really gotten a feeling of self-love and security in that.

There are many ways to take time and listen to yourself, whether it be journaling or just thoughts that you acknowledge. Whatever way works for you, I strongly believe that taking ten minutes a day to listen to yourself and gauge how you feel does wonders for your happiness and success in the days to come.


Image credits: imgkid.com