Spring semester: the cold is endless and you’ve spent the whole time counting down the days until spring break whether you’re going on a cruise to Aruba, to a beach in Panama City, Florida, or going back to sleep the week away in your queen bed at home. Spring break finally arrived and your week was even better than you had hoped, but now you’re back at school and you can’t imagine surviving the second half of the semester.
1. Your post-home depression results in a mid-semester crisis.
Your week away from Poughkeepsie was so good that you suddenly question every aspect of your life. “Why do I go to school so far from home? Why don’t I go to school with all my friends from home? Should I just drop out of college?”
2. You’re exhausted.
Over spring break you didn’t spend 20 hours of the day in your bed or maintain your normal three nap a day schedule, so feel like you can’t move the minute you’re back in your dorm bed.
3. You can’t eat dining hall food.
You had that one week in heaven when you didn’t have to eat Sodexo, and now your ability to digest Sodexo is resulting in both depression and stomach cramps.
4. Your bed is tiny.
You can’t move from it because you’re so worn out, but all you want is to be back in your real bed at home that isn’t hard as a rock.
5. You have no money.
Chipotle, Starbucks, Panera, and too many shopping trips to Urban Outfitters means you are now out of money until that glorious payday from your summer job begins once again.
6. You actually miss your parents.
A combination of your mom’s home cooking and your dad paying for your gas were some of the biggest highlights of being back at home and it makes their daily texts mean so much more when you’re back at school.
7. You have zero motivation for anything.
Going to the gym? Ha. Going to class? No, thank you. Getting out of bed? Please, no. But getting up for food? Ok, maybe.
8. You avoid all work.
You had a week of lying on the beach, lounging in front of your TV, or catching up with your friends, so really – how could your professor expect you to suddenly be able to write a ten-page paper?
9. You’re still cold.
Spring break? Isn’t that supposed to mean that you shouldn’t still have to wear your winter coat??
10. You have a countdown on your phone until summer.
It’s roughly 44 days, 17 hours, 34 minutes, and 16 seconds until freedom!
11. Your online shopping is becoming an addiction.
Six bathing suits isn’t excessive, right..?
12. You’re secretly sad that another year of being at college will soon be done.
The semester’s almost over! How will I survive for 4 months without living right next to all my friends at Marist?