Being active and working out regularly does amazing things for your body. It strengthens your muscles, lowers stress levels, helps regulate body weight, clears skin and so much more! However, one very important part of our body tends to gets neglected when we spend so much time focusing on the rest of our body, and that is our hair. Though we can usually be found in gym clothes with our hair pulled back or in a knot on top of our heads, we do put in a lot of hard work and sweat for a reason! That reason is to yes become healthier, but also to look great when we, on rare occasions, decide to put on real clothes. When that momentous day comes, we can promise you that nothing goes worse with a little black dress and new heels than broken, dry hair. So let’s review the mistakes you are most likely making in regards to your lack of hair care and see if we can make some changes to help that parched pony.
1. Wearing tight elastics
We understand that no one wants their hair sticking to their neck while they climb the never-ending Stairs-“to hell” Master, but those elastics are squeezing the life out of your hair and leaving horrible creases.
Solution: Sephora Collection No Break Ribbon Hair Ties- $6.00 for a set of 8
2. Putting your hair up when it’s wet
“Your hair stretches up to 50% when wet or sweaty. Therefore, when your hair dries in the headbands or elastic it causes a ton of breakage because your hair is trying to stretch back to its normal size.” Explains Desirae Beaule, Paul Mitchell certified established stylist
Solution: While hair is moist, take hair fully out of the elastic and apply a dry shampoo to absorb the oil at your roots and allow the hair to dry fully before placing it back in a loose style, like a braid.
3. Not washing your hair properly
Though it is a common knowledge that you should not wash your hair daily, when you are sweating profusely, showers are your saving grace, and you tend to ignore this advice and do it anyway.
Solution: When you wash make sure to “use a clarifying shampoo to get all the sweat, minerals and build up off your hair after your workout out.”
4. Not thoroughly moisturizingÂ
Since you will most likely be in a constantly cycle of sweating and washing your hair, your hair will be in danger of damage and drying out.
Solution: Once a week, apply a good conditioning mask or keratin conditioner to moisturize and revitalize.
After your workout, your hair, like your muscles, are tired and burnt out. So make sure to focus on repairing and rehydrating your deserving locks as well!Â