1. Good lipstick has no price.
You can buy MAC lipstick for $16 or you can buy Rite-Aid brand for $1.99, it really doesn’t matter how expensive your lipstick is. It’s all abut how you apply it. Some of the best lipsticks can be sold at your local drugstore. Buying MAC doesn’t guarantee the perfect lipstick. My advice: shop around & do not discriminate!
2. Stop your lipstick from running!
For running lipsticks, make sure you use something on your lips before the lipstick. For example, I have a ruby red from Wet and Wild and it get on everything. Tip: add foundation to your lips before the lipstick to make the color last.
3. Lipliner is your BEST friend.
No matter the lipstick, applying lip liner first will always take your lipstick to the next level. Don’t believe me? Ask Kylie Jenner! Before putting on your lipstick, outline your lips with liner and then fill in the side with the closest color liner to your lipstick.
4. Blotting is a must!
Some lipsticks are a lot richer than others, but regardless of the lipstick make sure you blot. Blotting is taking something like a napkin and putting it between your lips after you applied to remove excess lip color. Just do it! You won’t regret!
5. Use the skin test!
When it comes to picking out lipstick, I’m like a kid in the candy store. But, every lipstick doesn’t look great on every girl. Insert the skin test. The next time you’re in Sephora or Rite-aid don’t just go crazy with the lipsticks. Test the lipstick by putting a sample of the lipstick on your hand to see is the color fits your skintone. If it does excellent, great! If it doesn’t, there’s a lot more lipsticks in the store.