This past Sunday, March 8th, we celebrated International Women’s Day. Personally, this is one of my favorite days of the year because many organizations, companies and activist groups from around the world unite to celebrate women. Many campaigns are also launched this day to bring more awareness about women’s condition all over the world. Here is a quick list of some of the best campaigns launched this Sunday. Get inspired and make a difference!
Not There
The Clinton Foundation and the advertisement agency Droga5, developed the “Not There” campaign in order to increase awareness of international and national gender inequality. The campaign partnered with different companies and publications to remove important female figures such as Rosie the Riveter and Mona Lisa from posters, bilboards and magazine covers to highlight that “we’re not there yet.” The Foundation also made a powerful video, that included prominent figures such as Amy Poehler and Cameron Diaz, to increase awareness about gender inequality.
#Makeithappen and #Paintitpurple
These were the main themes of the official International Women’s Day site. According to the site, they chose the color purple after the color scheme of the Women’s Social and Political Union in Great Britain. Purple symbolizes dignity and justice.
Youtube’s #DearMe Campaign
YouTube decided to team up with some of their most famous female YouTubers and have them write letters to their younger self. Among these YouTubers were Laci Green, Grace Helbig and Michelle Phan. Check their video out!
Salvation Army’s – Why is it so hard to see black and blue?
Although the Salvation Army’s Ad came out a little bit before International Women’s day, it used the infamous black/gold/white/blue dress to increase awareness of domestic abuse.