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Equal Voice uOttawa – She Will Run Conference

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Recently I had the opportunity to chat with Nicole from Equal Voice uOttawa. The She Will Run Conference will be held on March 7, 2015 and is not an event to miss! 

Sarah: Tell me more about Equal Voice uOttawa. 

Nicole: Equal Voice is a national, bilingual, multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing more women to all levels of political office in Canada. EV regards the equal representation of women in Canada’s Parliament, in our provincial/territorial legislatures, and on municipal and band councils, as a fundamental question of fairness for women in terms of their access to Canada’s democratic institutions. Founded in 2001, Equal Voice brings women and men together from across the political spectrum in its nine chapters across the country. EV uOttawa is an extension of the National Board here in Ottawa.  

Sarah: What are the goals of Equal Voice uOttawa? 

Nicole: As a club, our aim is to provide women the tools, resources and opportunities to meet prominent women in political fields. As well as create a support network for women who are interested in running. EV uOttawa has expanded from merely political, some of our speakers are renowned in fields of law, science and business. We wish to inspire women to pursue whatever career they desire, and provide the support and contacts necessary to give these women some footing. We do this through networking events, speaker series and conferences. We also can arrange volunteer opportunities for those interested in getting involved in a campaign. 

Sarah: What are the top five reasons to attend the She Will Run Conference? 


1) It is an incredible opportunity for networking that ANYONE interested in politics should really take advantage of. 

2) You will get to hear inspirational women speak about their struggles, journeys and successes in politics and law.

3) We have numerous VIP guests who will be seated among you including MPs, counselors, EDA representatives, Embassy representatives and others!

4)  Lunch is included in the price.

5) This is a wonderful way to spend International Women’s Day and get educated on how we can get more women involved politics and why this is important. 

Sarah: How can individuals get tickets? 

Nicole: You can buy tickets online through our Facebook page “The 2015 She Will Run Conference”. Tickets are $10.  You can also like us on Facebook at Equal Voice uOttawa to recieve other events and news. 

Sarah: What is the biggest thing someone will miss if they don’t attend? 

Nicole: You are missing a really great opportunity to get yourself out there, meet women in this field, and create those essential connections. Not everyone has these types of opportunities so we think it is important to take advantage of them now. It is never too early or too late to get involved politically and we sincerely hope to see you all there! 

Her Campus University of Ottawa is a proud supporter of Equal Voice uOttawa, and the She Will Run Conference. 

Sarah Kirby is a fourth year Joint Honours BA History and Political Science student at the University of Ottawa. Born and raised in Southwestern Ontario, Sarah now is proud to call Ottawa home. Sarah is also proud to be the Editor of News for the 2014-2015 Her Campus UOttawa Team.