Meet this week’s campus celeb, Hallie White!
She is incredibly active in the School of Journalism, takes on multiple leadership positions and is a proud Kappa Delta sorority member.
Age: 21
Hometown: I’m kind of from everywhere! I’ve lived in Georgia, Michigan, California, Arizona and Oregon. So, America?
Major: Public Relations
What led you to choose your major?
I’ve always been interested in social media, and I found out my freshman year that social media strategy plays a large role in public relations. Also, when I was a freshman I realized that a lot of older girls in my sorority were public relations majors so I began asking them about it.
What type of PR are you most interested in?
I’m most interested in technology PR. It’s a large personal interest of mine, so being able to work with clients with a tech focus would be a pleasure. I’d love to work within consumer technology or software—there’s also an excitement that comes with working with startups.
What activities/groups are you involved in on campus? What current positions do you hold?
I am involved with Allen Hall Public Relations, a student-run public relations firm with ten clients. I currently am the Assistant Firm Director, which means I handle all internal functions of the business including hiring, team management, conflict management, budgeting and more. Previously, I was an Account Supervisor and an Account Executive.
In addition, I am the vice president of the UO chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). PRSSA is a club that anybody can come to, and we have guest speakers discuss their professional experience within PR, professional development workshops, PR agency tours, and much more. I am specifically in charge of the mentorship programs that I launched this year. If you’re interested in PR, you should definitely check it out!
I’m also a proud member of Kappa Delta sorority!
(Photo courtesy of University of Oregon PRSSA Facebook page)
How do you balance such a busy schedule?
I balance a busy schedule by planning ahead! My iCal (the calendar application that comes with Macs) is the most useful thing ever. You can color code your different calendars and easily move meetings around if they get rescheduled without having to ruin your pretty planner. For the longest time, I used Erin Condren planners which are simply beautiful.
What has been your favorite experience so far at the University of Oregon?
My favorite experience has been being a sister in my sorority, Kappa Delta. My four years in college would not have been the same without KD. The organization has taught me many things about myself and has opened many doors for me.
Are there any professors/mentors who have helped you along the way?
When I first started out in Allen Hall PR I had a supervisor, Jen. Ever since I’ve met Jen, she’s been my confidant. She’s helped me see what I’m capable of and given me confidence that I didn’t have before. She may have graduated already, but we still talk and I always reach out to her if I have any questions or concerns about a career in PR.
What do you do in your free time?
In my free time, I’m probably on a coffee date with one of my sorority sisters or watching Netflix!
What do you hope to do after graduation?
I would love to work in a public relations agency with a technology focus. I’m really open about location, but I think San Francisco is a fantastic city.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I am really good with directions and understanding maps. I can go somewhere once and find my way around no problem!
What’s something people might not know about you?
I speak French. Well, kind of.
You can find Hallie on Twitter @halliecwhite or by email at