Second semester begins, and you immediately start looking forward to Spring Break. You and all your friends start planning your big plans.Â
The beach? The mountains? It doesn’t matter where you all go; you swear it will be the most epic trip of all time.
Then classes start getting more and more difficult.Â
Homework starts piling up and the stress sets in.
Before you know it, it’s the end of February and you haven’t planned anything.
You panic text your friends, “****SOS- WE HAVE TO PLAN SPRING BREAK*****!”
But you don’t, you just nap in between study sessions.
Then it’s the week before midterms, and your professor asks the class “Whare’s everyone going for Spring break?”Â
So instead of listening to the lecture, you look up cheap plane tickets and cruise packages, scrambling to make last minute plans.Â
But everything is either booked, too expensive, or too far away.Â
So you feel defeated.Â
But then you realize that you get to spend Spring Break on the couch watching everything in your Netflix queue, twice. All is right with the world.
Besides, there’s always next year!Â