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Campus Celebrity: Yani Ahmed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Our second Campus Celebrity for this week is Yani Ahmed, who is also running for President of Student Experience! Get a little insight here on what makes Yani tick, and some ideas as to why she should be representing you. Don’t forget to vote y’all!

Why did you decide to run for Student Experience?

It just made sense to run for President Student Experience, my time here has been incredible. To me this campus is all about diversity and a laidback vibe. People are comfortable enough to be themselves and try new things, just look at the number of clubs and societies we have! I love talking to my friends or students I meet about their courses, work and experiences. I hear so much about zoology, I blagged I was on that course quite knowledgeably enough at a biosciences party once. Lending a helping hand is something that people are willing to do on our campuses and it would great to be a part of that team.

Why is Campus Community so important to you?

A massive thing for me in my first year were those societies who were really welcoming to the first years, I really felt part of their communities. When my friends and I founded Tremough Quidditch Club (which incorporated Harry Potter), creating that open, welcoming space was at the heart of everything we did. I’ve met some of closest friends through the Quidditch club and brought other students together, it has been amazing getting to know all our members.

What is the best part of running a club?

Any committee member will tell you about the craziness of running a club or society, let alone founding one. I would say that everyone agrees it is definitely worth it! Convincing people to give us money to play Quidditch and talk about Harry Potter was a weird ask, but the students of Cornwall came. Through the exhaustion of juggling my degree, a part-time job and my committee duties, it was the most magical moment (pun intended) when we hosted a sell out Yule Ball. It was an event that could only happen down here, with people kicking off their shoes and singing 80s songs until the very end of the night. 

Describe yourself in three words

Composed, open-minded and sassy.

What is your favourite film?

 The Shawshank Redemption.

Tell us a bit about you.

I’m a third year English student with Exeter. I’m from West London, born and raised but have fully embraced the Cornwall way of life – jam before cream! I love the sea and applied to all coastal universities and these are the beaches I fell in love with. I have a thing for prison-based films and crime fiction because I love watching or reading a good puzzle unfolding. A good cup of tea can fix most things; it’s what you offer your housemates when they walk in looking like they’ve had a day.

What’s on your Cornwall Bucket List?

Most people that study here come back and visit quite a lot and being in third year has me feeling a bit down. I’ve made a bucket list for after dissertation hand in to get out and see more of the county and eat my way around Falmouth town…SO many good restaurants here! Something I definitely still need to do is visit Pendennis Castle, although I’ve been to places like St Michael’s Mount a few times.


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Cecelia Armstrong

Exeter Cornwall

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Hannah Harrison

Exeter Cornwall

Aspiring entertainment journalist who dreams of living and working in the USA. Currently studying English Literature at the University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus.