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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Meet this week’s cutie Azeem Khan, a U2 chemical engineering student who loves to watch Avatar and will join you in your late night Frite Alors visits!


Left Martin, right Azeem

Basic Info:

Age: 20 (21 in less than a month!)

Hometown: Lincoln, Massachusetts (It’s a small suburban town about 20 minutes away from Boston with roaming fields and more cows than people)

Year: U2

Major: Chemical Engineering

Single or taken: Single… Engineering, what do ya expect?  (Kidding)


Question Round:

Guilty Pleasure? Getting more than 5-6 hours of sleep on any given night…

Favorite place in Montreal? The top of Mont Royal. It may sound cheesy, but after a particularly rough finals patch last year I just walked up the mountain and looked out and over the expanse of the city. just to clear my mind. That view is no less cathartic for me every time I make that walk up.

Favorite Friday night activity? Hanging out with friends, no matter what the setting. Again, it may sound cheesy, but seeing and hanging out with people at the end of a week of work, work, work is so important at this time in our lives. It’s reinvigorating seeing friendly faces outside of an academic setting!

Fictional character you relate to the most? The Doge meme. But I guess he’s not fictional per se… So, Squidward Tentacles. Such cynical, much SpongeBob. Wow.

Three best things on your bucket list?

1) Travel! Besides coming to school here (crossing the Canada/U.S. border by bus doesn’t really count as ‘international’ for me), I’ve never really gone abroad or seen the world outside of North America. If things work out, it would be great to take a tour of Europe before I kick the bucket.

2) Eat one of those extra large poutines or whatever at Frite Alors or La Banquise or some other poutine place during Poutine Week, in one go, with no help.

3) Graduate with at least a 3.3… Hahaha who am I kidding. Sorry mom!

If you had to live in a TV show for the rest of your life, which one would it be?  Great question! Probably Avatar: The Last Airbender, my favorite childhood cartoon.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve witnessed at a McGill library? Oh, to be honest the weirdest thing I’ve seen or experienced at a McGill library was probably something I did: Last year I spent a really late night at Schulich going into 4 or 5 AM, and no one else was there. So, I took a Snapchat video of me running around being like “There’s no one here but me!!” or so I thought… I ran by a janitor. The look he gave me was like that cat from the Grumpy Cat meme.


Images contributed by interviewee.