Name: Tyler Hobson
Year: Sophomore
Major: Business Management, Minor in Finance
Hometown: Oakton, Virginia
Campus Involvement: Green Team, Founder and President of Flow Club
Favourite color: Green
Dream career: Entrepreneur and stock day trader
Hobbies: Spinning poi, going to music festivals
Spirit Animal: “I have never thought about that… maybe a dog.”
What’s at the top of your bucket list?: “Tommorrowland!!”
Tell me about the flow club: “Flow Club is about the flow arts, which are basically an ‘older’ tradition of entertainment consisting of spinning hoops, poi, fire, staff, and other objects of manipulation in a rhythmic dance, generally to music. There is a large community of flow artists across the world and our club helps to bring together hidden flow artists on campus. We hold weekly flow sessions for members to learn new styles, teach others, and make new friends, while exploring different types of music. We are planning to take trips to JMU and other schools with flow clubs too.”
Which style of flow is your favourite?: “I spin poi mostly. Fire poi is my favorite because it’s more of an adrenaline rush.”
How can other interested students become part of the flow club?: “We will be featured on The Compass soon and at the next club fair but they can just email me for more information. We want to see the club really grow this coming year.”
If you could spin poi anywhere in the world, where would you pick?: “Anywhere, really, that has a great view. Probably the Grand Canyon. There are some cool fire festivals though. I want to spin there for sure.”
For more information on how to join the flow club, contact Tyler via email: