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Campus Cutie: Eduardo Patron

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

When this Campus Cutie says he’s well traveled, he means it. Do you know anyone else that can speak four languages, has been to over 35 countries, and has lived in two others besides the United States? (China and Belgium, if you’re curious). This freshman definitely has some interesting fun facts up his sleeve. Read his interview below to get to know more about him!Ā 

Name: Eduardo Patron

Year: First Year, Class of 2018

Major: Philosophy and maybe a double with International Affairs

Activities: football (soccer :P), playing drums

Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle

Favorite sport: Soccer

Hollywood Crush: Mila Kunisā€¦. All. Day.

Favorite TV show: Family Guy

Whatā€™s your favorite thing about Xavier?

I really appreciate the size of the school. I see some new faces every day, but thereā€™s a feeling of familiarity. I went to a big school for a few years, and there were times where I would feel lost, but thereā€™s a sense of community in a small school.

What quote best describes you?

ā€œIt seems to me the only thing you’ve learned is that Caesar is a ā€˜salad dressing dude.ā€™”

If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

Batman! He kicks so much butt with no super powers and is one of the richest, most powerful men in the world. Heā€™s also got Alfred as a butler and Morgan Freeman works for him. Seems like a pretty good deal.Ā 

What is your favorite spot off-campus?

Great American Ballpark on a sunny day with a group of friends.

Brittany is a senior accounting major from Saint Louis, Missouri and is a Campus Correspondent for Xavier University. When not organizing Her Campus Xavier, she can be found working with Tedx Xavier University or Xavier Women in Business. She  wishes she could spend all of her free time with puppies.