Brandon Chivers
Class Year: 2017
Age: 20
Campus Involvement: FORM Gallery
Major: Design
Hope everybody had a good break, but let’s be honest, the campus cuties were missed. Now they’re back and first one is this cutie Brandon Chivers. Enjoy!
Favorite thing about Hofstra: Diverse Student Body
Goals for the semester: To finish out strong! I just hope that since I have class all day, that I’ll be able to get through it!
Have you heard about HerCampus before: I haven’t really heard of HerCampus until I was interviewed.
How do you feel about being the first campus cutie of spring semester: Well, I still don’t know too much about it, but I would say it feels pretty good.
If you could travel the world with one person who would you choose: I would choose my best friend Kat Diener.
Quality you look for in a significant other: The qualities I look for are very minimal. Usually I know if they have the same taste in music and interests.
Pet Peeves: Since I live in a house with 4 other people, it tends to revolve around dirty dishes.
What is something you would want to accomplish: Getting out of bed before my alarm goes off for my 9 a.m. class.
Where do you see yourself in 15 years: Hopefully, I’ll be working in the art department of a swanky publication in New York City.
What’s your favorite quote: “To live is the rarest thing of all. Most people just live” –Oscar Wilde
Who do you look up to the most: Honestly, I tend to look up those people I’ve met while at Hofstra that work in design and publication, as that’s where I want to see myself in the future.