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How to Survive a Bloomsburg Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

With our first snow day already under our belts, winter has officially hit Bloomsburg. Whether you’re a freshman experiencing your first Bloom winter or a senior just holding on until graduation, the next couple of months can be brutal. Cold and flu season, dry skin, uneventful weekends… the first half spring semester really doesn’t sound like fun. But lucky for you, we’ve been around for a while and know some tips and tricks to make your Bloomsburg winter a little more bearable.

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Invest in a cute coat.You can be wearing your favorite legging and sweater combo but you’re more likely to run into your friends or crush outside and the only thing they’ll notice is your puffy jacket or North Face. Invest in a cute parka or colorful pea coat to make a statement while keeping warm.

Winter boots are a mustWe’re not talking about cute ankle booties or even tall riding boots. Both are adorable but won’t keep you warm and won’t hold up in the snow and ice. Try to get your hands on some Sorels or L.L. Bean’s famous Bean Boots. They don’t have to break the bank but they do have to have good traction on ice and keep your toes warm.

Give yourself extra time to walk to class.We all know that the downtown shuttle is not always a friend so walking to class often becomes the most reliable way to get to campus. However, we’re not going to lie. Main Street’s sidewalks are never perfectly shoveled, let alone ice-free. Take it slow to avoid a sprained ankle or a jammed wrist.

Consider getting a flu shot.Can’t remember the last time you had a flu shot? Think about getting one this year to help you battle the community of germs hanging around campus. Call the health center at 570-389-4451 to schedule an appointment. Shots for students cost $16. 

Battle your dry skin with moisturizers.With Bloomsburg’s cold temps, dry air and whipping winds, dry skin is inevitable, especially if you’re washing your hands frequently. We all know the importance of moisturizing but your favorite Victoria’s Secret lotion isn’t going to be able to battle your winter skin. Try heavy duty brands such as Lubriderm, Jergens, Vaseline or Aquaphor to combat your dry, cracked skin. Also, be careful taking hot showers. They might feel heavenly but hot water is more drying so be sure to moisturize almost immediately after toweling off.

Drink your orange juice and wash your hands.It won’t be long until you’re sitting in class and everyone around you is coughing up a storm, spreading their germs all over the place. Do your best to avoid catching something nasty with a little extra Vitamin C. Also, make sure you’re washing your hands – and not just after you use the restroom. Using the railing to walk up the stairs in McCormick or Bakeless? Sitting in a cubby in the library using the keyboard and mouse? We certainly aren’t trying to make you germophobes but maybe grab some hand sanitizer while you’re waiting for your class to begin. It could make a big difference later on!

Visit the counseling center if you think you’re suffering from SADSeasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common disorder that can make you feel depressed, lethargic, unfocused and/or anxious. It wintertime, it can be related to the loss of sunlight your body receives from the shortened days. The U.S. National Library of Medicine notes that “some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and may also feel depressed.”

If you feel like you’re suffering more serious than the Wednesday blues, call the counseling center at 570-389-4255 or visit 240 Student Services Center to schedule an appointment. 

Always keep some snow-day essentials around.We’ve already had one snow day this semester and it’s not unreasonable to expect another before the winter’s over. Next time you visit the grocery store, pick up a can or two of soup and popcorn in case we’re snowed in again. It won’t add much to your monthly grocery budget and it could be the difference enjoying your day off with friends, Netflix and popcorn and eating your questionable dinner leftovers from two weeks ago.

Find indoor activities to replace day drinking.It’s not quite day long season yet and it’s a little too cold to even want to try it. But we still need things to occupy us on the weekends. Check out HC Bloomsburg on Pinterest for craft ideas and fun recipes to try out on a blustery Saturday afternoon. Head over to the Digiplex to see a movie or make your own popcorn for a Netflix session. You can even just make plans with friends to grab brunch on Sunday to catch up after a long week. Alternate between lazy days and days where you wake up with a game plan to make the most of these cold weather weekends. 

Check out BU’s winter sports teams.We really love football season but Bloom athletics have a lot more to offer than just what happens in Redman Stadium. Check out our wrestling team or our women’s basketball team who are currently dominating the PSAC. Show some school pride and stay warm in the process. You can find all the team’s schedules here.

Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.