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Campus Cutie: Caitlin Gibbons ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Meet my cutie of a roommate, Caitlin Gibbons!

Where are you from? Cary, IL

Relationship status? So single.

Favorite food: Ham and pasta, but not together.

Favorite place you’ve ever been? Italy!

What was your favorite part about studying abroad in Ireland? Being able to travel around Europe so easily.

Celebrity crush: Chris Pratt. Google him, it’ll explain everything.

What’s your major and why did you pick it? Social work. I chose it because I enjoy helping people.

What are some of your hobbies? I like going on walks and being outdoors, running, online shopping, hanging out with my friends, Pinteresting, and traveling.

What do you think is the most attractive feature in a guy? A good smile.

Favorite song at the moment? Definitely something country, probably by Sam Hunt.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry!

Favorite TV Show: Chicago PD and Chicago Fire and Modern Family. Is that too much?

What’s the top thing on your bucket list? I’ve always wanted to build a giant fort and eat pizza and watch movies in it while in my pajamas.

Favorite chick flick? Probably Bridesmaids.

What’s your current obsession? Cosmic brownies.

What’s one thing you can never leave the house without? My headphones.

Dream date: I would just want it to be really spontaneous. The best nights are never planned, right?

What’s a unique fact about you? I hate using pillows to sleep with. They hurt my neck and why would you want your head to be higher than your body?

Thanks Cait!

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