Meet RA Nicole Zero
Name: Nicole Zero
From: Barrington, IL.
Major: Math and Mechanical Engineering
Dream Job: Working for NASA
Nicole Zero is a sophomore RA in Le Mans. Nicole Zero is a fun RA who is willing to do whatever she can to help her residents and make sure they are happy living in her hall. Putting up bulletin boards featuring her resident’s goals for the semester and having section events while the residents make brownies and smores, Nicole Zero is definitely a great RA. Whether you know Nicole as a friend, a resident, or just that sweet girl who waves and smiles at everyone in the hall, you know that she can put a smile on anyone’s face.
Here are some cool and fun facts about a Le Mans RA, Nicole Zero
1.    Her and her older brother are first generation. Nicole’s mom and dad were both born in Poland.
2.    Nicole has her motorcycle license
3.    Nicole loves to ski and snowboard and she recently spent a day doing both of them.
4.    Nicole can’t cook or bake anything, (good thing she has a meal plan).
5.    Nicole and her dog could be twins
Why Nicole loves being an RA: Nicole loves interacting with other people and getting to know her residents on a more personal level. Nicole feels that by being an RA it has given her the opportunity to meet a diverse group of girls, especially ones out side of her major. Nicole appreciate this job because she has been able to meet so many other girls that she would not have met otherwise. Zero says, “ There’s something special about being an RA and I really love this job!”
Favorite Class at SMC: Nicole loves both of her majors, and had a hard time deciding which class she loved the most. Nicole really enjoyed linear algebra with Dr. Snow who is one of her favorite teachers, but also really loves all of her engineering classes because she loves the things they are learning.
Favorite quote: “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great” John D Rockefeller
What is Nicole most looking forward to this semester?: Warm weather, “because then I can study outside.”Â
Thanks Nicole!Â