Name: Jenna Jackson
Age: 21
Hometown: Orlando
Position: Dance Marathon Executive Director
Major: Retail Merchandising and Product Development
Minor: Business/Leadership Studies
Finding your niche in a school as massive as Florida State can seem a bit daunting, but when you throw yourself into what you’re passionate about the right opportunity tends to unfold before you. That’s exactly what Jenna did with Dance Marathon. This year is the 20th anniversary of Dance Marathon FSU. The goal? Raise one million dollars for the kids!
Her Campus (HC): Jenna, what sparked your passion for Dance Marathon?
Jenna Jackson (JJ): I joined Chi Omega when I was a freshman and that experience immediately opened my eyes to all of the opportunities available to me at FSU. My Big was very involved in Dance Marathon management and she encouraged me to participate my freshman year. After that initial experience I decided to apply to be an assistant the following year and the year after that I applied for Dance Marathon Director, which is the person who handles a lot of the logistical aspects of the event. This year, my senior year, I wanted to go one step further so I applied to be the Executive Director of Dance Marathon. So its safe to say the majority of my day is Dance Marathon-related.
HC: How has your involvement with Dance Marathon shaped your FSU experience and changed you as a person?
JJ: I came from a very small high school where everyone knew everyone so I was a little apprehensive about transitioning to such a large university. I wanted to find a way to make the school feel smaller, but at the same time I wanted the chance to get to start over and be a new person in college. I met campus-involved people in my sorority and they inspired me to branch out so I got involved with Homecoming and Dance Marathon. I really believe we are all supposed to find what speaks to us and channel all of our efforts into it. This experience has taught me so much about leadership, management and fundraising. I never thought I would be someone who enjoyed fundraising. It’s a difficult job, but it’s all worth it when you think about what it’s for.
HC: Do you plan to pursue a career in non-profit organizations?
JJ: That’s funny you ask that because I get that question a lot and people are always surprised when I say no. I love what I am doing with Dance Marathon right now, but my degree is in Fashion Merchandising and I really want to follow that dream after I graduate and see what I can achieve in a new field. I will probably get involved with Dance Marathon again as a contributor when I am older.
HC: How do you balance Dance Marathon, Chi Omega and schoolwork?
JJ: My parents ask me that in a concerned voice all the time. The truth is I don’t have a set formula for juggling everything. I love what I do with Dance Marathon, I love my sisters in Chi Omega and I am truly passionate about what I study in school. My leadership classes help prepare me for my work with Dance Marathon and my sisters are really involved as well so there is a lot of overlap. I think when you care about what you are doing you want to work towards the goals you have all the time. I am constantly busy, but it doesn’t feel like work because I enjoy it.
HC: As a senior, what advice would you give to freshman who are just starting out at FSU?
JJ: Being involved is the best thing you can do for yourself and the more you put in the more you will get out of it. Never stop challenging yourself to do more than you thought possible. Find your niche, but do not be defined by it. Dance Marathon has been my family, but it’s only a piece of my FSU experience.