Maybe this past semester’s GPA is not quite where you wanted it to be, or perhaps you didn’t make or save any money. It’s even possible that your crush never learned your name, or your phone screen cracked into a million pieces. Maybe you regret that triple text you sent to that certain guy that one night, or you’re still devastated that that really funny Snapchat video you posted never made it on Campus Story. At the time, you thought it was okay to order Wings Over multiple times in one week, but you still kinda feel bad about it. You also didn’t lose the freshman fifteen, sophomore seven, or junior jiggle you set out for in August…maybe you even gained some.
It’s okay! Her Campus PSU is here to tell you that you’re not alone, and you have a lot to be proud of in accomplishing another (or perhaps your first) semester of college at Penn State.
1. You survived the series of days that were 7 degrees but felt like negative 40.
2. You tailgated and STILL rallied for nights out.
3. You probably broke your own personal Instagram ‘like’ record.
4. You lived to tell the story of midterm week.
5. You are somewhere between 12 and 15 or so credits closer to being a college graduate.
6. You endured Sunday hangovers and somehow still completed your online classwork by deadline.
7. You ‘literally passed’ that exam you told everyone you ‘literally failed.’
8. You met new people.
9. You learned a lot.
10. You’re back for another semester!
So you may have high expectations at the start of this new year and new semester, but remember to be proud of all the little things that make college life so great. Don’t be too hard on yourself when everything doesn’t go your way, and enjoy the ride!