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How to Deal with Awkward Family Situations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

The Ugly Sweater


Response: Thank you Grandma! Proceed to putting it on. Don’t forget about this next year when it’s time for Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties!


The Boyfriend Situation


“When are you and _____ getting married? Have you thought about kids yet?”

Response: We are taking things slow. One day at a time. After all, we are focusing on school!


Why Are You Still Single Question


Response: I’ve really been focusing on schoolwork and myself lately. It’s been nice to take a step back from the dating scene.


After College Plans


So what are you going to do after school?”

Response: I’m trying to keep my options open

Optional Response: I’m trying to keep my options open, but I’m really interested in____.  Keep in mind this is going to open more questions from said family member. 


Family Stories from Grandpa


“Back in my day..”

Response: If you want to leave, GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN! You never know how long this story is going to last! But if you’d like to say, try to keep your questions to a minimum or combine them as much as possible. After all, you don’t want to miss dinner. 


Dad’s Bad Jokes

Response: Just laugh and say, “I’ve heard that one, it’s a good one.” Fathers will forever say the worst jokes over and over again. Just get used to it.


Family Members You’ve Never Seen Before Tell You Their Life Story Situation

“When you were a youngin you were the cutest thing. You used to sneak all the cookies.”

Response: Try to ask a family member as early as possible how everyone is related to you, that way it won’t get awkward while talking to them. But while talking to them, laugh along, and say you still steal all the cookies. 


Trying to Teach Technology


“Well you’re young, I bet you can teach me how to set up my ____”

Response: Take. A. Breath. This one is sticky. Unless you have a good excuse for the next couple days, you might as well just sit down and teach them the very basics. Be prepared for the questions every couple minutes for the following days. 


The Passive Aggressive Compliment


“Oh honey, that shirt would look really great if you’d stop eating so many cookies.”

Response: Thanks for the tip Grandma. Note that they aren’t trying to be mean, just making a suggestion. Brush it off and keep eating those cookies. 

Abigail Filcher is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin and is a junior majoring in Graphic Design with a concentration in Interactive Media and Business Administration with a double emphasis in Marketing and Art. She is known as a nap addict, chocoholic, and dedicated coffee connoisseur.
Her Campus at UW-Stout