Meet Henry Long, a freshman living in Siegfried and the star of NDTV’s ChaNDelier music video parody. In just two days, his hilarious video has been viewed more than 80,000 times on YouTube. Henry has also been featured on Time Magazine’s website, Mashable, Popsugar, BroBible, DailyMail, and Henry has proved to us all that, even though he’s only a freshman, he’s not afraid to really let loose in front of hundreds of his peers. We got the inside scoop on ChaNDelier behind the scenes, what it’s like to be a first semester freshman, and some interesting facts about Henry. Enjoy!
Quick Facts
Name: Henry Long
Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
Dorm: Siegfried
Year: Freshman
Major: Mechanical Engineering
On His Rise to Fame
Tell us about the ChaNDelier video. Who had the idea? Did you lose a bet?
I didn’t lose a bet! My friend is part of NDTV, so I went to meeting. The producer of the humor show, Rob Kessman, wanted a dance song for Chandelier by Sia for a digital short. I had memorized the dance from when Jimmy Kimmel did it, so I volunteered. We all thought it might be crazy enough to be funny.
During filming, one of the producers Nick held up speakers that were playing the song.
When it started, a few people looked around. When I took off my shirt, more people started to look up. When I took off the pants, everyone was watching. It was extremely nerve wracking, because that’s when I knew there was no turning back. Once I stripped down I knew I had to go all out with it, or else it would have looked stupid!
So you weren’t hesitant to go through with it?
I never really questioned whether or not I should do the video. I’ve guess I’ve always been pretty outgoing.
How have people been reacting to the video? Have you lost any friends back home?
It’s kind of funny to see peoples reactions; at Notre Dame it’s a mix of shock and awe. My friends back home actually said they expected this a little bit sooner. Everyone seems to be fine with it! We were all kind of worried that it would turn out awful.
At one point in the video (see 1:30) you jumped onto someone (pretty hilariously if I may add). Was this a complete stranger? Did you plan to do that beforehand?
I knew the guy I jumped on beforehand, but I don’t think it would have made a difference if I hadn’t. I just kind of went with a lot of stuff. The beginning of the video and the curtsies at the end came from the original choreography, but I made up a lot of the rest of it on the spot. There was a little bit of planned choreography in the middle, but some of it got cut out of the final product.
What was your favorite thing about filming?
My favorite thing was absolutely the interactions with people. There’s some danger involved because you have to make sure they’ll react well. Some people said they would have punched me in the face if I had come up to them.
What is your involvement with NDTV? Can we expect any more videos in the future?
This is my NDtv debut, but I hope to do more stuff with them in the future! I’ve gotten lots of suggestions to do different music videos (Blank Space and Anaconda have been mentioned), and we definitely want to go back to doing digital shorts for the humor show. This video has been great exposure for NDTV: a lot of people have told me they want to come to the next meeting.
On Notre Dame
What’s been your most memorable experience at Notre Dame so far?
Definitely the initiation events during Frosh-O with Siegfried. That was when we ran through the reflecting pool, got our horns, and started to really become a part of the Siegfried community.
What’s the toughest thing about being a freshman, in your opinion?
Being a very small fish in a very big pond of awesome people. Which is great, of course, but very humbling.
You have a sibling here; did your sister influence your decision to come to ND at all?
No, I don’t think she influenced my decision. I had visited her before, but the atmosphere in my sister’s dorm is very different. Doing an overnight visit in a guy’s dorm really convinced me to come.
Congrats, you made it through your first semester! Is there something in particular you’d like to accomplish before the end of freshman year?
I haven’t climbed Stepan center yet!
Any girls on the horizon?
No, and I think especially not after that video!
Big question: North or South Dining Hall?
Make-your-own pizza.
It’s a Wonderful Life – perfect for Christmas time.
Vacation spot?
Maui, Hawaii
Ice Cream?
Chocolate chip cookie dough
21 pilots
Any last words for our readers?
Watch the video!!!
Thanks, Henry! Congrats on your newfound fame!