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Top 7 Holiday Movies to Put You in the Christmas Spirit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas: I strategically placed this one first because I’m still bumping into so many Grinches it isn’t even funny! You’ve had your turkey; now move over for Santa Claus! Whichever version you choose, animated or live action, its a great film to start you off and get you into the Christmas Spirit!


2. Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town: Now this one is a throwback to my childhood. I feel like it’s one of the more underrated classic Christmas movies, and it definitely needs to move up a notch. I mean, hello! There’s a singing Santa and one beautiful Mrs. Claus! Not to mention the cutest pet penguin EVER!


3. Elf: If you haven’t seen Elf, I’ll try my best not to refer to you as a “Cotton-headed Ninny Muggin,” but this film is by far one of the most hilarious Christmas movies around. It really does put you in a childlike spirit, and there’s no shame about it!    WARNING: May cause you to spread Christmas cheer by singing loud for all to hear! And put syrup on your spahetti.


4. Christmas Kiss: This one you’ve probably never heard of (Heck, I had never heard of it!). While perusing the Christmas section on Netflix I stumbled upon this, and an hour and half later I was sitting at my desk bawling (tears of joy, of course). This movie is SO GOOD and downplayed. It’s pretty much a Cinderella story, only instead of having an evil stepmother, there’s an evil boss. If you’re in the mood for a slightly mushy but all around good quick film, try this one out on Netflix!

5. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer:  Whether you’re a misfit or not, this movie will always bring back some amazing holiday memories. Grab some warm hot cocoa, sit in your favorite onesie, and enjoy! Because, really, who can resist Rudolph’s gal-pal, Clarice?
6. Mistletones: This movie is an ABC Family version of Pitch Perfect, and it’s pitch-perfection. One of your favorite twins from the 90s is in it: Tamera Mowry! And, boy, does she have a pair of pipes! This movie is catchy and funny and filled with so much Christmas spirit, I’m about to burst just writing about it! It’s on Netflix if you haven’t caught it on ABC Family yet.
7. A Christmas Story: “You’ll shoot your eye out” is by far one of the most iconic lines from this movie and from the holiday movie genre in general. Every year on Christmas, my family has a tradition of watching this movie after we’ve had breakfast and are lazing around with our gifts. Honestly, this is the Christmas movie to top all Christmas movies. So many scenes are referenced in our pop culture that it’s actually quite amazing: the leg lamp, tongue sticking to an icy pole, the bunny suit. So. Many. References.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday season, collegiettes, and try to sneak in a movie or two between finals; you won’t regret it!
Ana Valentin is a freshman at William Paterson with a wrong major in Environmental Science but will be transferring in the spring to Elementary Special Education and English Creative Writing, She has a burning love for all things glitter, beautiful, and fashionable. You'll probably find her in the student cafe sucking down a machiatto. If you do, feel free to say hello. She likes those too.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"