1- When you offer to go get a plate of fresh-baked cookies for your whole table of friends.
2- When that one friend is on a health kick and refuses your cookie offer.
3- When she tries to convince the rest of you to join her and you just aren’t having it.
4- When you walk up to the tray and pass girls with plates full of cookies all for themselves. (#gobelles)
5- When the angry mob of girls starts to form in the cookie line and you see the dining hall worker’s reaction.
6- When you’re in the back of the line and you aren’t sure if there will be any cookies left by the time you get up there.
7- When you finally get to the front of the line, but then realize that there aren’t any cookies left.
8- When you turn around and realize that the girl that was in front of you took the last three cookies all for herself.
9- When the dining hall worker imagines your reaction to this traumatic experience.
10- When he then agrees to put in another batch for you.
11- When you go back to your table and tell your friends that they were all gone.
12- When your one friend just gives up on the wait and realizes that she will need a substitute dessert tonight.
13- When the rest of your friends tell you to go back up there and wait until another batch is out.
14- When you’re waiting in line yet again and realize that there are oatmeal cookies on what is supposed to be chocolate chip Monday.
15- When you finally get to the front again and feel victorious after snagging the last couple of cookies for you and your friends.
16- When you see that the girls behind you in line are now quite hangry (hungry/angry). Â
17- When you realize that they must think the whole plate is just for you.
18- When these same girls sit down at their tables near you and most likely report to their friends that you were the one who finished off the batch of cookies. Â
19- When you get back to your table and tell your friends about the judgmental stares.
20- When you tell your friends that you were victorious in getting the last couple of cookies just for them.
21- When you bite into your first DH cookie after coming back from a break and are reminded of how wonderful they really are. No matter what kind!
22- When you and your friends contemplate just how many of these cookies you could eat in one sitting. Â
23- When your one friend is about to go up for thirds.
24- When your other friend starts guessing how many calories are probably in each cookie.
25- When you all start to get depressed about your current eating habits.
26- But then you remind your fellow senior Belles that this is the last year you’ll get to indulge in these cookies. Â
27- Because you know that without the DH cookies in your life you would just be a total mess.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27