If you have ever been in Lewis for copious amounts of time, I’m sure you’ve heard about The Briannas. My two best friends, along with myself, have the same name.
But wait! We are not the exclusive club of stuck-up females that just hang out because they have the same name, like “The Ashleys” from the show, Recess. We are actually, legitimately, friends. We get each other’s jokes, we can play Taboo like no other (because of unending understanding of each other), and we love people! However, we do love the looks we get when we go to Starbucks together, and the barista asks us for our names, in order.
So, when it came time to write yet another Campus Cutie, I could not hold back the pleasure of introducing these cute chicks to you: Brianna Casey and Brianna Dombo! These ladies are hilarious, so I conducted a live interview in order to get our (typical) dialogue for y’all!
Brianna Casey, Brianna Dombo, and me, Breanna McDonald, at a 2013 game
Names: Brianna… and Brianna.Â
Year: Sophomore… and Sophomore
Dorm: Lewis… and Lewis
Majors: (BC) Neuroscience, minor in Italian. (BD) Graphic Design, minor in Chinese.
BC: I am a Music Commissioner for Lewis, and I play piano at Lewis Mass and Luce. I am in Women’s Liturgical Choir, and I lead a Compass Group. Also, I am sort of the tech liaison for Lewis… *weird look from other Brianna and I* I’m at Rolf’s all day every day, a.k.a one hour. What else do I do?
BD: Hall council.
BC: No I don’t.
BD: You should. Well, I do Transpose, all day every day. I love Transpose so, so, so much. I’m an officer and I love it. Also, I do Dance Co. and I design for Scholastic! I’m a Graphic Design intern at ACE as well, and I am a Social Media commissioner at Lewis Hall (follow Lewis on Twitter, @Lewis_chicks. Transpose also has a Twitter, @NDTranspose. Shameless plug).
BC: Jacksonsville, Florida
BD: Cleveland. Ohio, CleveLAND that I love!
The typical freshman-year picture of girls in front of their dorms. Circa 2013
What is your favorite font?
BD: Do you want techy-nerdy answer, or a normal-person-type answer? I’ll give both: Didot – it’s a typeface that is typically used in fashion magazines. The font nerd in me likes the history behind it: it’s the first modern typeface. However, the the lesser font-nerdy part of me just likes it because it’s pretty.
BC: I don’t like Comic Sans.
BD: I’m proud of you.
BC: Actually, I like Wing Dings.
BD: I am NOT proud of you!
What’s your favorite protein?
BC: Your mouth is too small. *throws goldfish into writer’s mouth, refuses to answer question*
Why did the chicken cross the road, really?
BD: It’s gonna get hit by a car. It’s stupid, it shouldn’t cross!
BC: But it did.
BD: That’s stupid! It shouldn’t.
BC: It’s not a question if it did or not. It did. It’s not philosophical.
BD: It’s stupid.
One of the rare pictures where we are NOT making each other laugh
What’s the closest you have come to becoming a rockstar?
BC: Hanging out with Dr. Hyde. (Brianna’s Genetics professor)
BD: In 7th grade my three best friends and I formed a band and made our own songs. Angsty, love-poetry-type songs. We sang for a small crowd of our parents. We called ourselves the ‘Glamour Girls’.
BC: I was in a Harry Potter Fan band for a day. Also, Allison and Joms and I are forming a band. (Brianna’s roommate Allison, and my freshman-year roommate, Joms) We will call ourselves ‘Son of Al.’
What is an extremely useless talent you have?
BD: The ability to recognize fonts.
BC: I’m proud of my Rubik’s cube solving ability. I also just learned how to shuffle a deck of cards, but that’s not useless so don’t put that in. (Writer’s note: I did anyway.)
Which of Snow White’s seven dwarves describes you best?
BD: Grumpy was originally named Dreamy, and I am dreamy. I guess I’m a has-been.
BC: A has-been that never was…
BD: *angry, loving look*
BC: Apparently there is an eighth dwarf, Stealthy. That’s me.
Lewis Hall Dome Dance   Â
So, how did The Briannas start?
BD: You’re probably gonna get two different stories, here. Three, if you tell yours.
BC: It was Frosh-O. We were at an ice-cream-turned-oreo social. I was chatting it up with this boy… Then this girl comes up and she realized she had so much in common with him, basically. After he left, she said, “He’s so cute!” I remember that explicitly. I met you [Breanna, the author] because we had a mutual friend, and we liked how we shared a first name.
BD: I don’t remember that, but I do remember talking to him…!
I met you [Breanna, author] first, at Domerfest. Neither of us were really having a good time, and since we kind of knew each other from that summer-before-freshman-year-awkward-facebook-stalking-thing, we hung out. We talked in person, and got along! Then I found out there was another Brianna a few days later, and I thought we should all hang out- because that would be funny. We started hanging out more and more, and I thought, “Wait! I actually like these people.” And that was that.
(Author’s note: I remember none of Frosh-O, and I remember meeting Brianna C. first. It was the first day of Honors Calculus, and somebody puked on me… I felt like it was a sign that the semester was going to be terrible, so I looked around to find comfort, and I saw a girl that looked familiar. Turns out, she was in my dorm and had the same name as me! Then, I don’t remember exactly how I met Brianna D., but we’re the same person so does it really matter?)
2013 Stanford Smoothies: the Stanford guys labeled our order “The Briannas,” and we received numbers: 1,2,3
What is your most awkward ND experience?
BD: Every interaction with a boy. *nervous laughter* However, I never feel awkward, even though I do awkward things.
BC: This moment, when I thought of an awkward story and no one else thought it was awkward.Â
You both are so musical… tell me more about it.
BC: *Sings: Tell me more, tell me more, like does he have a car?* I play four-and-a-half instruments, plus my voice.
BD: I’ve been dancing since I was three. I love it, so I haven’t stopped. Now I am an OFFICER OF TRANSPOSE AND OUR SHOW IS TODAY AND I’M SO EXCITED.
Would you ever use a dating service to find someone?
BC: Gut reaction – no. But I will not speak for five years from now.
BD: …
BC: Have you?
BD: No! I think it is a horrible idea… but also great.
The usual Briannas picture
Tough Choices:
Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Christmas… and Christmas
Squeezing the toothpaste from the top, or the bottom?
Top… and bottom. It’s ethical.
Snow or sun?
Sun… and sun.
Brianna or Breanna?
Mutual: BRIANNA.
BD: Actually though, I’m not that picky.
Final thoughts?
Brianna and Brianna only had this to say when I requested their final thoughts
Thanks so much, Brianna and Brianna!
Remember Lady Domers: it’s nice to be nice!
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Images courtesy of the interviewees