The semester is coming to a close, collegiettes™!
Here at Her Campus we’re taking care of an important checklist and getting ready to go enjoy winter break. Check out the following list of things to do and make sure you’re ready too.
1. Textbooks
Return or buy your textbooks back. Most of the books for your classes this semester you might not need again. So, there’s no reason to keep them and clutter up your room. Keep the ones you need and return or sell back the ones you don’t.
2. Clothes
Take extra clothes home. Most collegiettes™ have that one pair of jeans or cute crop top that they didn’t wear all semester long. If you didn’t wear them in the fall, you probably won’t wear them in the spring either. Donate those clothes or sell them to Plato’s Closet if you think they’ll just pile up in your closet at home too.
3. Paper
Throw away all those papers. If your desk looks anything like mine, you’ve got a million handouts from all of your classes that you won’t need for the break or for next semester. Clear out all that extra paper and enjoy a clean desk area.
4. Food
Get rid of all that food. Over the semester you’ve probably acquired a pile of snacks or opened bags of chips that you never finished eating. Trash all of the food that can go bad or that you just won’t be eating.
Organization is one of the best parts of the end of the semester for me. The fall semester always gets so crazy and the last few weeks is the perfect time to get rid of extra stuff that is just taking up space. Once everything is organized, it will be easier to pack for the break too. And trust me, you’ll be thanking yourself come January when you return to a nice clean room.
Have a happy winter break, collegiettes™!