If you’re a DIY-lover, you understand the struggle that is the time between Halloween and the Holiday season. It always seems impossible to get your craft on when you’re not making costumes or gifts. But, it’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving! Don’t think you can find awesome Turkey-Day DIYs? Well, you’re in luck, my pinning Collegiettes! It’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving with our Top 6 Thanksgiving Pins on Pinterest:
1. Get creative with this adorable Thanksgiving printable:
You can make this great quote into a utensil holder or maybe an invitation to your Holiday meal. Using an X-ACTO blade, you can also make it into a stencil and use Armour Etch on a set of dollar store wine glasses.
2. Planning a buffet-style meal? Check out this adorable way to grab silverware as you head to the Turkey:
Remember all that candy corn you thought you were going to eat at Halloween, and it didn’t happen? Put them at the bottom of some mason jars, and attach twine. It’s easy, looks elegant, and is festive. (Just make sure the silverware faces up!)
3. Create a cozy atmosphere with these adorable, autumn themed, candle holders:
Mod Podge is such a wonderful thing. Head to the craft store (or dollar store), and pick up some fake leaves. Simply use Mod Podge to stick them onto a mason jar (even an old spaghetti sauce jar would work).
4. New England Collegiettes LOVE cranberries. Check out this unique centerpiece complete with floating candles:
This bog-like centerpiece is elegant and extremely different. Simply add water, cranberries, and floating candles to an empty pie dish.
5. Need a dish to bring to a gathering? Why not bring this adorable fruit turkey:
Make sure the fruits are colorful, and then cut out a little turkey face from construction paper. It will be a hit!
6. Can’t think of a great Thanksgiving beverage to serve at your celebration? Here’s a great cocktail that you can make in bulk (and it has a non-alcoholic version for you under-age Collegiettes!)
Sprite, cranberries, and champagne or sparkling cider for a delicious Thanksgiving cocktail.
Whether you’re going to a family gathering, or simply having Friendsgiving out here in the Pioneer Valley—feed your creative bug. Happy Thanksgiving!