Name: Tatiana MamolaAge: 20Year: juniorMajor: health education and behaviorHometown: West Palm Beach, FL
Her Campus: What is your position on campus?Tatiana Mamola: “I am president of UPTA (Undergraduate Physical Therapy Association).”
HC: How did you get involved with UPTA?TM: “I started in the club freshman year as just a member and did events with them. I thought it was a lot of fun so I decided to run for president last year.”
HC: What is your favorite part of being in the club?TM: “I really like coming up with events, and we volunteer a lot. Also speaking to the advisers from different schools and physical therapists helps a lot in deciding what you want to do.” Â
HC: And the biggest challenge?TM: “The time commitment. Spreading out the time with your classes and making sure you’re devoting enough time to the club can be hard because putting on events does take a lot of time.”  Â
HC: What other things are you involved in on campus?TM: “I did water polo and crew, and now I’m doing CrossFit, which takes up a lot of my time. It’s like every day and at a different gym, and it’s like Olympic weightlifting.”
HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?TM: “Hopefully I’ll be a physical therapist by then, but I don’t know if I’ll own my own practice. I see myself not in Florida but up north. I’d eventually love to own my own gym after I become a physical therapist.”
HC: What are your hobbies?TM: “I like working out, going to the beach, hanging out with friends and watching movies.”
HC: Who is your role model?TM: “My mother because she’s been through a lot. Her mom has a lot of psychological problems so she had to grow up with all of that, and the fact that she turned out the way she did is amazing. She’s a chef and she helped to open a restaurant, so I’m proud of her.”
HC: What advice would you give to new students?TM: “Definitely try to get involved with a club. Look up all the clubs because there’s so many that it’s overwhelming. Getting involved helps the school seem a lot smaller and you meet new people. I would say join a sports club because those are fun.” Â
HC: What is your favorite memory at UF so far?TM: “Freshman year I was on the crew team and I really enjoyed doing that. We competed in this one race somewhere in Florida, and there was an A boat and a B boat. I was on the B boat, and we worked so hard that at this one race we beat the A boat.” Â